One man sold stones that he claimed he brought from Jerusalem in a church I once attended! He sold it to business people claiming if they put it in the corner of their shop or office, they would become blessed mysteriously
I told him after the service that he is a thief and a
I was 19 years old and I wasn’t a born again Christian but I know the scriptures
He was in his forties and people addressed him as Pastor!
He said he will curse me
I said I will stone him
My mother and many other people had to plead with me to let it go
They said I was
Young and didn’t know what I was doing!
My mother’s friend, a widow, who was at the meeting with us bought this stone because her last son was living an aimless life and squanders whatever was invested on him
The woman invested in a fish pond business for him and wanted him to
The fish pond closed down after the first harvest
The stone she bought sat in the office laughing at both mother and son as their hope was shattered
I met the pastor again at a church called Christ pillar some years later, this time I was a fellowship leader on campus and
I accompanied my mother to a weekday prayer meeting
When the pastor arrived in his Toyota crown I recognized him immediately, I told my mother I cannot sit under his ministration of mammon!
I stepped out of the church and prayed
Father, please address this man’s deception today
He is making a fool of the gospel and a mockery of the Lord Jesus!
I sat across the street while he ministered
When he was done, he got in his car and started driving away
We heard a screech and a crash!
He had slumped behind his steering wheel within a minute of leaving the
He was rushed to the hospital from there
He had a stroke
He never recovered
Th funny thing was many pastors engage his services to rise funds for their church projects
They claimed he was anointed to raise money for kingdom work and for that reason brought him to peddle
Lies to their congregation
Such men are everywhere
Mocking the Holy Spirit everyday by climbing altars and feeding lies to God’s people in order to amass wealth
When I was working as a PA with several men of God I saw so much.
Sometimes there was a negotiation with the church
Pastors based on percentages!
The “money raiser” and the church pastor sit down to discuss how to share the loot even before service began
The discussion will determine how much effort the “money raiser” will put into the scheme!
Shamback and many others in America pioneered this
Gospel of falsehood
Giving to God’s work has always been a willing thing even in the Old Testament
God loves a cheerful giver
God loves a willing offering
God is a giver and he encourages us daily to be like Him
There was no biblical basis for sowing seeds to get the gifts of God
All things belong to us in Christ Jesus
We are not hoping to activate promises by sowing, we are already living in the fulfilled promises of God for this time and season
If your gospel is sound, you will not be fooled
Many are fooled because they keep searching for a short cut to
Spiritual realities
They don’t want to know God but they want to enjoy the full blessings in him
These mammon preachers encourage them to keep their ungodly lifestyles while acting as their mediators before God
A pastor once said to me “They said we shouldn’t pray for drug barons
And Yahoo Yahoo fraudsters! Is it the tithe of salaries that we will depend on? How much is tithe? How much comes to pastors? If we will make it in life we must go where the honey is!
Look at Baba So and So, he prayed for a young man who carried Heroin to so and so country! When
The guy returned after a successful trip he did thanksgiving with four coaster busses and 100 million Naira cash!
The children of those forming “Holy Holy are benefitting from the scholarship scheme started by the. Ana with the find he got from that thanksgiving! We should be
Wise. The scriptures says “The servant applied wisdom” Don’t let us die poor in the name of self righteousness. We cannot spend gold and silver in heaven! It is on earth that such things are useful! If I have my way, I will pray for armed robbers as long as I get my cut out of
Their loot. Are politicians not sponsoring the gospel from their stolen funds? Have you ever heard a church say no to a politicians money in spite of all the atrocities we all know politicians get involved in? Think about this thing” The man that made that speech didn’t last the
He slept one day and died of cardiac arrest
Demons must have heard him and git terrified of his ambitions!
They quickly took their rival home before he will take over their jobs. I have sown seeds before and I still sow seeds today!
I lend to the Widows, orphans and the
The stranded, the destitute and the helpless
Those in prison, the hungry, the sick and the defenseless
The abandoned and the rejected
Missionaries and the work of God
Especially ministries the Holy Spirit says I should bless with His money that He kept in my custody!
Have you ever given to a pastor before and you felt like you were robbed?
I have and that feeling was so sinking I swore never to feel it again
When you give to the Lord you are happy, light, elated and you feel fulfilled
You don’t even ask for anything in return! You just do it!
Jesus told his disciples “Freely have you received, freely give”
Many of us know this but somehow felt there was a hidden code in there somewhere
Like the Pharisees, we suffer because we seek for more than was written and refused to accept the obvious even when it is starring at
A guy I went to secondary school with would pose as a travel agent and defraud people in the name of helping them to get visas and all
Unfortunately he duped a lot of out secondary school mates
Nobody knew where he disappeared to so many of his victims reached out to me! They
Wanted me to pray and get him to refund their money
I waited because he always reached out to me when things are difficult for him financially
He eventually did, claiming his baby needed food and he had nothing on him
I asked him why he kept duping people
He said “I sow my seed
And I pay my tithe dedicatedly but God has refused to bless me!”
Won’t I survive?
I asked him which church he attends
He said he doesn’t go to church
But he sent me the transfer receipts of all his seed and tithe to a church
To him, as long as he gives God money, it doesn’t
Matter what he does or how he lives his life
This is what the gospel of the takers brought to us
This is what many of us bought as Christianity
This is the delusion that will cost many dearly at the end of the day
The gospel of the belly shall be judged & so shall it’s adherents
The gospel ofJesus Christ is a message too good to be true
Your sins have been forgiven
Your yokes have been broken
You have the Holy Spirit living in you
Walk as Jesus walked and you will rule and reign in this life
Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world
The Brotherhood of Balaam 
At the end of the sermon, he asked for
anointing oil
He drew ten huge circles on the
church alter with the oil
Those with heavy seeds were invited
to come and stand in the circle
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