Well, it has been an interesting couple of days here on #ScienceTwitter ! Here’s a thread. My overall feeling is that most of us are tired of the current #science publishing model, elitist journals (and their editors) and how they hinder scientific progress
We know the current model needs a deep change, but we also know there is no easy way to do it. Our careers, funding and opportunities have long stopped being related to the science we do but are limited to a few (extremely) biased numbers such as IFs, h-indexes and the like
There is a new generation of scientists willing and able to help change the current #sciencepublushing model, we are being backed up by programmes such as @ASAPbio_ and #elifeambassadors and new projects like @ReviewCommons @biorxivpreprint @preLights #elifepreprintreview
But this is not enough. We need help from journals, we need to empower this new generation and help them (us) change what is wrong in #sciencepublishing . We need to be allowed to put new models into practice, and for that we need help from journals to change editorial policies
Like @albertcardona mentioned yesterday, as editors we have the opportunity to put into practice other ways to deal with submissions, more respectful practices and welcome new experimental projects aimed at changing current models
But we need help from journals such as @eLife @Dev_journal and @Co_Biologists @embojournal @EMBOPress @J_Cell_Sci @JCellBiol @PLOS @PLOSBiology @GeneticsGSA and others willing (and able) to change the current #sciencepublishing model. We need a revolution!
You can follow @sofiajaraujo.
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