Endless stupid, tiresome, annoying, short-sighted nonsense about Albo being “insufficiently X” or “not being Z enough”.

Might as well do another one of these, for all future reference. Because seriously, shut the fuck up. https://twitter.com/CarolynGilholme/status/1291860571491450880
“He’s not gaining any ground against the Libs”

True, he was behind in the polls when he started out, but that’s because they lost 3 elections in a row and had to reconfigure. Nonetheless he was slowly regaining ground throughout 2019, and for 4 months during and....
...after the bushfires, he was PPM by a solid margin.

Now true, he did lose alot of ground as PPM, but that’s because, rule of thumb, incumbent leaders always get massive boosts in the polls during a crisis, unless they royally fuck up.
And besides, his personal approval ratings have been in positive territory in most polls, so there’s that
“He hasn’t started campaigning”

Because if he did

>His attack lines would be blunted and ineffectual come the next election
>The Libs would have plenty of time to adapt and develop a counter-campaign with which to sink them.
>The voters would get bored of it before long
“He doesn’t oppose the Libs”

You know what people vote for? Governments, not oppositions. Labor has only ever won from opposition when they present a compelling case for change. If your entire thing is built on just opposing everything for the sake of opposition....
.....you really have no leg to stand on.

He’s slowly rebuilding himself as a viable alternative to the government, one that voters can get behind
“He’s not holding them to account”

Just watch Question Time. Seriously, go watch it and shut up. Well, in the rare events that Parliament is actually open nowadays anyways.
“He’s not aggressive enough”

>If you think he has no capacity to attack forcefully or be aggressive you really haven’t been paying attention
>Voters still seem to love him regardless
>We’re in the midst of a major global pandemic, do you really think that being an Abbott style opposition is a wise idea in these dangerous times? Vic, Qld and WA Libs did that and guess how well that’s worked for them?
“He’s trying to win over people who don’t vote for Labor”

I know this is difficult to comprehend in this very polarised and divided climate, but if you want to win government, you have to convince people who voted for other parties last time to vote for you this time.
If you consider this a controversial opinion, then stop hoping for a Labor Government
“Where’s the policy, what’s his vision”

RE: Vision, read these and shut up


In fact, a few of them are on his YouTube channel, they’re pretty good, btw.
RE: Policy, we lost 3 elections in a row, 2 with an unpopular leader, with no coherent narrative or campaign strategy. Plus, we have at least 4 state elections between now and 2022, US and NZ elections and any number of things can happen between now and 2022.
I mean, don’t throw the baby out the bath water, per se, but, nothing wrong with overhauling policy to create something more in line with the political climate.
“Oh but he won’t shut down coal and introduce carbon taxes”

RE: Coal. Because if he said anything that could be construed as being anti-coal, the mining industry would launch a monumental advertising campaign to sink him, as they did with Rudd and Gillard....
....Labor would lose a shit load of votes, and seats, in the mining states, and they’d lose again in 2022. Do you really think committing to something that's tantamount to political suicide is a smart move for an opposition?
RE: Carbon Taxing. Come on, do you really think any smart politician who wants to win an election is going to commit to something that tanked Gillard’s political capital and ultimately turfed Labor in 2013?
“He’s not radical enough”

Except most voters don’t give a shit about that. Most voters are more focused on simple things like say, keeping up with the cost of living, keeping their jobs and not being evicted from their homes.
Not to say they outright detest big picture agendas, but they’ll certainly vote against anything that they see as threatening their employment, housing and financial security.
I very strongly implore people, regardless of who your ideal choice of leader is, to think about what Labor is trying to achieve.

Winning an election, so we can help people and make our society a better place. Which is what we’re in it for, not for purity and personality cults.
As for me, I like Albanese, he’s repeatedly proven his worth throughout his career. I like his strategy, it’s gradual, it’s drawn out, but given his political career, I have no doubt it’ll be worth the wait.
But seriously, whilst Labor are playing a long term game called “trying to get out of opposition”, why don’t you play an equally helpful yet far simpler game called “stop yer bitching”. Look, it’s not that hard.

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