"Accurate, why should I write a book really?"

That's the question, I will take this time and give you exactly Ten Reasons why you should write a book, edit and even publish. Writing can be really intimidating but I got you covered. 👇👇
1. Because you are a writer and you can- There is a unique ability within you to create something from nothing. Writers are masters of illusion, they can make any feeling and anything real. Take an idea and transform it to an eBook.
2. You have no excuse- You and I both know winners find a way of doing things, losers find excuses. You have run out of time to make more excuses and the idea you have is already enough for a book.
3. You have something to look back on- one of the greatest feeling I ever had was reading my first book (TABLES TURNED) I was scared of writing it only to blow my mind. When you remember the late nights and tears, the pain and suffering, you smile.
4. To prove them wrong- you know who I am talking about. Anyone who ever told you it's hard and you can't make it into writing, you friends and teachers remember? They said you didn't have it, write because you have it now.
5. Writing is free therapy- When you are alone with yourself for a period of time trying to make sense of your thoughts, you are going to learn a lot about yourself. Writing a book definitely becomes a FREE therapy.
6. Timing- if you have not yet written a book yet, the best time is now. Here is a little secret, there is never the best time for anything. Those who have written already can give a hand in this, tomorrow might be never.
7. To become a better writer- when I look back at my first work, I'm always kind of embarrassed, it was pathetic. But guess what? Right now I'm not the same writer I used to be. Start now, learn, practice, perfect your skill.
8. Your story matters- you have a story that need to be told. You offer a unique perspective of your story formed by experiences unlike what people already know about you. Write it down.
9. Leave a legacy- we live short lives, it's true, fleeting moments and breaths is all we have. There are two possible ways of being immortal, through our stories and teaching our ways to our children.
10. Make money- I hate that we need money to live, but we do. That is just how it works.

You can't sell what you have not written. If you have to make a living from books, why not write it yourself instead of waiting?
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