Cancer, courage and her diamond earrings. (thread)
She was in and out of the hospital frequently. Her entire last year was spent shuttling between ICUs, daycare and wards as she was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Her grown-up children were trying their best to get her all possible medical treatment at top most private hospital.
It was one of her endless days in the hospital when her husband entered into the room. Around 72 years of age, with long history of Diabetes and Alzheimer, his health was also not in a good condition and even he needed help of his caregiver to walk properly.
He, well dressed in a blazer and neatly shaved (which he was practising for decades as he was retired as a school principal), sat on a chair near her bed.
There were no exchange of words but their eyes said it all. After a long pause, “How are you today?”, he asked. She smiled, even being in the acute pain, I am good.. Did you take your medicines?, she whispered. He nodded his head. Then again, there was a long silence.
She had long black hair, with very few greys, evenwhen she crossed sixty couples of year back. Now, due to chemo, her hair were falling but she faced everything with a courage. She never showed any sign of losing hope.
As she reached back to her home from the hospital, she immediately entered into the kitchen to cook the favourite food of her grandchildren. Her treating doctors were also surprised to see her courage.
She had a faith that as long as she is taking care of herself, nothing will happen to her. She made it a point to take all her meals (of her choice) on time. She got herself fully engaged either going to the hospitals or taking care of her family.
Even when at home, she used to take care of her husband’s need, helping him at night to walk down to the toilet or giving him medicines. Almost a month back, on her 40th wedding anniversary, she took her son’s driver to a jeweller & bought herself a pair of diamond earrings.
Perhaps, by then, she had learnt to love herself as much she loved her family and to live fully every moment. She was very excited to flaunt the same to me with a big smile and she told me that actually she liked the most expensive ones but it was not in her budget
I was really surprised to see the sparkles in her eyes as I have came across hundreds of cancer patients but I have never seen such a courage in someone, perhaps so close to death, to live a life at the fullest. Even doctors gave up all the hope but she was not ready to give up.
She always ensured from her hospital bed that her intravenous fluids were going into her body properly, her room was getting cleaned, and all her meals were being served on time. I have always seen her in beautiful sarees throughout with long beautiful hair.
Then, she was wearing hospital gown with almost no hair. I teased her that now she look like “gori mem” and she always smiled back.
Just few days back, around midnight I received a phone call from her son from the hospital and in a very brief conversation; he informed me that maa is being shifted to ICU. It was not something uncommon for her to be in an ICU.
Since when she was first diagnosed with leukaemia, she was in and out of the ICUs and she came out smiling all the time. But this time, there was some fear among us. She was not giving up but maybe, we were losing the hope.
As I reached the hospital, there was a pin drop silence in the ICU. After almost an hour, the doctor informed that she just had a massive heart attack and asked us to go out of the room as they were try to revive her.
I decided to stay in the room, as by now I had more faith in her courage than on the doctors. After few failed attempts, doctors informed the sisters to remove all the equipments and instruments attached to her body, to set her free.
Her children were crying unconsolably and from the corner of the room, I was just looking at her face which was appearing to me more brighter by now.
After few hours, I asked her daughter-in-law, where are her earrings? She replied, maa removed the same last night
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