Today is Nane Nane! Like the Saba Saba day that precedes it, Nane Nane is a day that marks the continuation and escalation of the struggle for a just and democratic Kenya.
@ntvkenya @KTNNewsKE
We remember how the people’s call for political pluralism was met with brute force and scores of innocent Kenyans were tortured, maimed and killed. We agitated for a New Constitution in which the power is vested with the PEOPLE!
Kenyans have long been involved in the struggle to demolish the colonial architecture of the state that was inherited & has been preserved, by our post-independence leaders; We replaced the White Colonialist with the Black Colonialist na TUMECHOKA!
Kenyans have endured and sustained the struggle for a transformed Kenya; From the Mau Mau to the present day agitators of Truth & Justice. It is not yet UHURU!
10 years ago we had a beacon of hope. The constitution we promulgated in August 2010 is the text on which we shall found our future and the tool with which we shall re-imagine and re-engineer our nationhood; This will only happen if it is honored & adhered to.
However, since August 2010 the ruling elite has consistently undermined our endeavors to fully implement the constitution. They only quote it when it suits them and rubbish it and propose amendments when it does not!
One premise for the agitation of a New Constitution was that corruption and misuse of office had become rampant because there were no checks and balances in place. Jubilee has continually caused the gradual collapse of the state through runaway corruption.
Jubilee has also contributed to the reversal of our democratic gains as characterized by disrespect for the constitution, the rule of law, human rights and lack of transparency and accountability;
Jubilee has been a threat to devolution by starving the Counties of funds to operate and by the blatant attempts at a re-centralisation of power;


Maneno ya three steps back hatutambui ng'o
With Jubilee and other stalwarts there is a concerted effort to introduce a constitutional amendment to benefit the ruling elite through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI);
Hawa jamaa wametuzoea.

We need to fagia wote!

Kama hamujasoma BBI, wacha we edumacate y'all.

Wanatubeba ufala. Re-engineering what is already in the Constitution by tweaking it.

Kizungu mingi!

Just, #TekelezaKatiba bana!
Entrenchment of National Ethos my foot!

So many commissions, so many recommendations., zero implementation.

Start with implementing the Ndungu report. That would be progress.

As for Ethics, begin by prosecuting & jailing the corrupt!

Otherwise, #TekelezaKatiba

Hii ni serikali ya Majambazi! Impunity starts and the top and is replicated.
The Constitution is clear on public officers that break the law. In Kenya though, they are transferred or rewarded with bigger positions.

Call me a copy cat, A copy cat!

Stop wasting our precious time. That is where you go wrong!

More replication.

Yaani they did not even make an effort with this document. Ama they were banking on the myth that Kenyans do not read?

Hehehehehe No wonder Magufuli is like Kwenda Huko!

Fagia kwako kwanza please.

Whoever worked on this document was such a Baba Zero.

Kenyans need to remember line one of our Constitution. Let it be ingrained.
All sovereign power belongs to the people of Kenya & shall be exercised only in accordance with this Constitution.
We must protect it& continue fighting for its complete implementation.

Building Bridges Initiative IS A SCAM, It is a waste of public resources and an attempt at mutilating the Constitution. It must be abandoned to give way to the full implementation of the letter and the spirit of the Constitution.

Revenue-sharing must be equitable.. The hallmark of devolution is equitable access to resources for equitable development across the country. Attempts to perpetuate unequal development for political self-interest by certain Senate members are unacceptable!
Parliament must immediately comply with the two-thirds gender rule enshrined in the Constitution, failing which the Chief Justice must immediately require the president to dissolve Parliament as provided for in Art 261(7) of the Constitution.

Let me digress, the Supreme Court set a deadline for Parliament to pass a law on women’s representation in elected positions. Has this been adhered to? No it has not. Parliament has been an impediment to the implementation of certain elements of the Constitution!
Twice thereafter, in 2015 and 2019, the High Court has directed Parliament to enact such a law or face dissolution but on every occasion, Parliament has mocked the people by disrespecting the Constitution. Tutachoka lini?
We have a Bill of Rights.

On 11th May 2020 Uhuru issued a moratorium on evictions.
The evictions continue.

1. In Kariobangi North and Ruai that took place between the 4th and the 16th of May 2020 and left more than 7,000 families homeless

2. Demolitions of 300 Ogiek homes in the Mau Forest by KFS on 23/7/2020.

3. Burning down of 28 homes belonging to the impoverished Sengwer community in Embobut Forest in the Cherangany Hills by KFS.

Haki za mulahoi are enshrined in the Constitution.

Kenya’s original Bill of Rights was made with the interests of the colonialists at heart. The bill of rights is so weak and totally unjust because the rights and freedoms there in are subject to state security, public health, public morality and public order considerations.
Kenyans wanted an expanded & supreme Bill of Rights which included socio-economic, cultural, special categories & group rights. Enter New Constitution. However we are still where we begun. Kenya is an active crime scene with the Citizenry as the hapless victims.
Covid 19 has revealed more ROT. The lack of preparedness and effectiveness in preventing & suppressing the spread of the virus, coupled brutality from state security & administrative apparatus enforcing government directives, have traumatized vulnerable groups.

The theft of COVID-19 funds amid a national health crisis is an abhorrent manifestation of the ingrained culture of plunder of public resources that continues unabated under the indifferent watch of the government. Fagia Wote!

#TekelezaKatiba and prosecute.
The government needs to shed its complacency and move with haste to bring to justice those who have dared to turn to personal use resources destined to fund a national health emergency of unprecedented proportions.
We cannot take this lying down.
Pioneer Freedom Fighters are turning in their graves witnessing the land they fought to bring independence to get buried under the rot of corruption, extra-judicial killings, dismal leadership & retrogressive politics.

We have a progressive Constitution.

We honour those who have endured great hardship & paid the ultimate price in the quest for a just & democratic Kenya by vigorously resisting all attempts to bring unconstitutional & retrogressive amendments to our hard-won Constitution #TekelezaKatiba
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