When #China started channelling its national wealth into creating SUPERSIZED national champions like banks, #Huawei etc that dominated strategic global segments through lower costs & access to unlimited capital, we all clapped! “China is a benevolent partner“ we said! Then..../2 https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1292007666466906115
/2 #China

Then we woke up & realised that China not only controlled the scarce resources of the planet but had also annexed most of Latin America and Africa and turned them into “floating mineral mines” - their populus merely slave labour, fuelling Chinese economic growth.. /3
/3 #China

We all clapped again: “Look at the great work China is doing in Africa & Latin America. They’re building railways, bridges, roads, factories & creating millions of jobs. They’re providing capital & loans to businesses there” “Truly, China is a force for good”.../4
/4 #China

Then we woke up!

“Look, they’ve built islands in the South China Sea & claimed it as Chinese waters”

“They’ve reneged on the 1997 #HongKong treaty & taken full control from the mainland”

“They’ve annexed disputed territories and built military bases there”

/5 #China

Now, we’re really panicking!

#Huawei tech is powering EVERY mobile network in the world”

“Chinese banks own the debt of every country and corporate in the world”

“Chinese companies control the worlds entire rare earth metals essential for tech products”

Too late?
/6 #China

It’s not yet TOO LATE to “RECALIBRATE” the relationship with China.

The Chinese people are an outward looking race & are incredibly fair minded. But their politicians have always been fearful & suspicious of outsiders. And with good reason. But we’re in 2020. ../7
/7 #China

As a businessman I have travelled extensively to the Far East. I have worked (& been educated) alongside Chinese executives. They are entrepreneurial & fair minded. They are aghast at what’s happening in their national politics. They don’t want a TRADE WAR! /8
/8 #China

But China’s political classes only respect STRENGTH!
So the whole world has to UNITE & show that strength. Otherwise the regime will plough on, building more aircraft carriers, annexing more foreign territories, starting military conflicts, etc.
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