The worst bit about speaking Spanish is that I find out about all the Spanish industry scandals.

Like the English-speaking ones weren't enough.

My timeline is a multilingual mess.

I'll share if anything so the rest of the industry knows the kind of stuff Spain is still contending with.

Also cause some of you asked.
Introducing @blissy, who is a well known feminist videogame critic in Spain. Similarly to Anita Sarkeesian, she also suffered a massive harassment campaign back in 2017 for trying to ruin videogames.
However, unlike English speaking countries, toxic gamer culture is still very much alive and well among Spanish gamers. Meaning @blissy still has a big audience actively trying to tear her down.

Keep that in mind as I tell you the following.
A streamer recently did a two hour long twitch stream all about harassing @blissy. You could pay to have your comment read out loud. Spain still having the toxic gamer culture it does, the stream descended into hate speech.
Let this sink in for a second.

This streamer made money off of hate speech.

She made money off of and enabled toxic gamers to harass another woman in the industry.
Ok but here comes the real shocker.

This streamer was one of the lead organisers of Women in Games ES.

🤦‍♀️ I just... what??

Logic just escapes me.
Of course, all sorts went down at Women in Games ES. Eventually they let out a statement saying they kicked out the streamer. However also accused Blissy of harassing the streamer in the past, justifying this streamer actions.

🤦‍♀️ Ai dios...
Turns out this harassment they're talking about is that the streamer did a YouTube video about how she disagreed with women only industry events and wanted to debate this. So Blissy and some other women told her why they disagreed.
More dirt has been aired about WIGES and how they've gotten territorial with other women in games organisations in Spain.

Surely minority organisations should be helping each other up, not tearing each other down. 😢
The Spanish games industry honestly just makes me really sad.

There's a big bad mix of corruption, inequality and toxic macho culture that results in situations like these.

It's a wider systemic problem in Spain and sadly the games industry is not exempt.
This comes in a long string of Spanish game industry scandals.
There was the Spanish publisher that ran away to Peru with tens of thousands of euros.
There is the fact the average salary in the Spanish games industry is €14,000 a year and 20% of all professionals work without pay.
One of Spain's game industry bodies invited a fascist political party to a game event, showed them around and took pictures with them.
There was also a studio CEO that paid his employees €0-300 a month while he bought a tesla on company money.

The guy even boasted about it to his employees.

(Sourced from the Spanish game industry spreadsheet.)
And then people ask me why I don't want to go back to Spain.
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