If you stay on Twitter long enough,you are likely to start believing that there is something inherently wrong with being a man

People will make you feel that everything men desire or enjoy doing is somehow evil or toxic.And that men are responsible for all the world's problems
And for women? They are innocent, gentle, well-meaning people who are incapable of doing anything evil or making wrong decision on their own.

If a woman does something that is out of place, we need to find an excuse for her. Most times there is a man to blame in th story
The consensus seem to be that women have been deliberately oppressed and subjugated throughout history, solely because the society (a creation of men) hates women.

And on that pretext of a Historical societal hatred, women need to be perpetually protected like endangered species
But here is one funny thing: we are made to believe that the society is a creation of men to oppress and victimise women.

And at the same time, we try to unravel powerful women from history (warrior queens, powerful matriarchs) as a proof that women are not the inferior gender
I think the saddest casualty of this skewed trend on this app are men who have bought into this culture to perpetuate self-guilt and self-hatred against themselves and the male gender. They speak up for women more than women speak up for themselves.
There is nothing wrong with speaking up for women on the surface, in fact all of us should when the arises.

But there is everything wrong if in your attempt to advocate for women, you vilify and pathologize men in the absolute. Like, a man is guilty by virtue of his gender.
This self-destructive trend is trickling down into the mainstream culture. Teachers in today's Educational system (especially Primary schools) are young men and women who tap into this culture and are determined to "tame" the toxic masculinity in young boys at an early stage.
Some of us have or will have male children and they will all grow up amidst this new culture we are propagating.

Little boys are growing up in a society that sees them as cancerous, toxic beings that need to be tamed/controlled before they pose a bigger problem as adult males.
They will soon be adults who'd find themselves in a society that pronounces men guilty of any accusation involving a women simply because they are men; a society that has turned hostile towards men in the guise of "empowering women."
Btw: If you are interested in contemporary sociopolitical issues within Nigeria, you should follow @avalondaily.

They provide in-depth analysis on cultural, societal, political issues in Nigeria. They have opened my eyes to a lot of things. I highly recommend. Thank me later.
You can follow @MrOdanz.
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