I spent last night scrolling through some profiles talking about the ETH supply. Some accounts are paid just to criticise Ethereum. 90% of their tweets are anti-ETH that repeats the same few talk threads.

That is just a really sad job.
They can't contribute in a meaningful manner to crypto so they just spend their day talking shit.

To give a good example, one account a few weeks ago tried to retweet something I wrote with "Darwinism".

Ironically, they then actually read what I wrote, an objective fact about
technical capability of bitcoin transactions/script and why we chose to build on Ethereum because it just doesn't work in bitcoin which is unfortunate, and after reading it they quickly deleted their tweet.

My guess because it wasn't an easy character attack as it is factual.
I just ignored it and didn't comment at the time. I just thought that person is sad. But my guess is if your doing this all day then your ignorant to how sad it really is. Ignorance is bliss.

But that is enough about personas...

I do like the ETH supply discussion.
It highlights the need for a new JSON RPC call for people who care about it. That is pretty useful. However one thing should be cleared up.

🌟🌟There is a difference between verifying the supply Vs fetching the supply. 🌟🌟

Bitcoin nodes DO verify the total supply!
Ethereum nodes DO verify the total supply!

The network consensus rules for processing blocks and transactions enforce the supply rules.

The difference is that Bitcoin has a function, scantxsetout, that scans all UTXO to compute current supply in circulation.

Ethereum lacks
that function. It can easily be implemented.

But do you see the difference? The function scantxsetout is NOT checking the supply in circulation. It is just summing all OUTPUTS. It is assuming the consensus rules were already enforced.

That is important; not another of

In regards to the online explorers. My guess for the inconsistency:
1) scripts could be wrong due to lack of JSON RPC command
2) cached value by website to avoid rerunning script every new block
3) explorers may remove provably lost funds like the parity wallet hack
There is also: https://twitter.com/wekabot/status/1291924809119498240?s=19
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