I’m off Twitter and on holiday, but some of the garbage coming out from what’s left of the Corbyn bunker made it onto my Facebook. So just to be clear, let’s remember that the result in 2017 was delivered by a team of dedicated staff who were experts in their fields.
The result in 2019 was orchestrated by an all-powerful LOTO, the party ranks having been largely purged by Corbyn’s LOTO. It was they who spaffed millions on LabourLive, they who prioritised rallies over voter engagement, they who masterminded the car crash manifesto.
So they should own it. But they won’t - they never do. Because they’re cowards as well as malicious incompetents. But I’ll tell you what - anyone who takes at face value claims from Corbyn, Murphy, Milne, Howell et al is either an idiot or themselves complicit.
That cabal didn’t just hollow out Labour staff, they purged their own LOTO colleagues too. They nearly bankrupted the party, briefed and leaked against their own to fringe websites, and fostered a culture where incompetence and malice were badges of honour.
So let them have their last moment in the sun - or on the pages of the Guardian, still the only paper Milne can land a story. Let them lie, smear, besmirch and dissemble one last time. And then let the disinfectant of every report under the sun wash them away for good.
You can follow @LukeOHolland.
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