(don't fall for these traps...)
have some dignity. dont be a "doormat"

noun: a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect
Rules of First
etiquette please, after 1st there's 2nd
and follow your own rules

noun: the customary code of polite behavior
Sending pictures 🇯🇵
be fair, a trade is a trade

adjective: in accordance with the rules or standards
adverb: without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage
Sending private photos 🇺🇸
you are talking to a stranger
know the consequences (hello screencapture)

noun: the action of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work
Give what is due 🇨🇦

noun: a person's right; what is owed to someone
Who is in charge? 🇬🇧
this isnt an employee-applicant scenario. no one is the boss

noun: the action or system of exchanging goods or services without using money
You ask but you don't answer questions 🇹🇭
- its a conversation, not a one-way interview

noun: the action of taking out something (like your information)
Small talks vs. invasion of privacy 🇺🇸

adjective: (of a person or their behavior) showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs
Not all inquiries requires an answer
feeling entitled to know all information

adjective: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges
Fake invitation 🇺🇸
luring you to get your information (pic and location)

verb: tempt a person to do or give something, especially by offering some form of reward
Self invite 🇵🇭
- when you are entertain but actually not welcome

adjective: arrogant or presumptuous
Big dick, big ego 🇨🇦

noun: hostile attitudes toward another; readiness to attack or confront
Over confidence 🇦🇺 (end of thread)

adjective: described as or proclaimed to be such by oneself, without endorsement by others
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