A Thread on Yuji Itadori and What Makes Him a Fitting Main Character for Jujutsu Kaisen
Let's start with the obvious, Yuji Itadori despite lacking innate jujutsu abilities can beat anyone in terms of raw strength.

On the surface level, some would mistake him for a generic mc (orphan trope and all) so for this thread let's examine what make's him so special. -
What motivates Yuji? It is a staple in shonen to give their mc's a specific end goal. Most of the time it's either ambitious or heroic.

Yuji is not defined by this trope instead his goals are a bit ambiguous. First, he just wanted to save as many people as possible. -
Later on, it's revealed that he was simply doing it to stay guilt-free resulting to more depth to his character.

Wanting to live life without guilt by saving others. It makes you think that at the end of the day we live for ourselves first, mimicking real-world mentality. -
I find his character perfect for examining the world of Jujutsu. Yuji is thrown into a chaotic world with no prior knowledge resulting in us to experience it along with him.

It also helps how unpredictable he can be with him being emotional and highly empathetic. -
It might seem corny but it is a fact how emotions is a core theme of the story.

With Yuji being emotionally driven we get to see how negativities corrupt a person. We witness how he deals with his humanity and whether he gets to keep it by the end of the story.-
One of the main conflicts of the series is how Sukuna must be killed by the end of the story.

Yuji must sacrifice himself to kill the villain. These types of sacrificial tragedies always leave the most impact, even more so with the type of development we're getting from Yuji.-
Although initially introduced as powerless it was recently revealed that Yuji's ability involves memory manipulation.

Not only will it make interesting battles but it also adds complexity to the story. I think it will add more impact to the themes that the story is going for.-
In conclusion, Yuji makes a great protagonist showcasing how the world affects a person and how we try to retain our humanity amidst all the chaos. He is an mc capable enough to keep you interested until the end.
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