Life is a game

We get a chance to create a better world for the future

The most impactful decision you make in your life is how you choose to be a parent (or lack of)

The impressions we have when we are young (0-8 esp) determine our perspective of love

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It’s your responsibility as a parent to teach your children what love is through your actions. When you fail at this, you fail all of humanity.

When a child develops in a home where love is not present it creates deep psychological trauma.

It takes a LOT of work to reverse, or should I say heal from, this type of trauma bc it’s so deeply rooted (since it happened during ages 0-8)

Many are not even aware that healing is even possible .. so they end up stuck in their pain which manifests in several negative ways.⬇️
If you want a better world... it begins in the home.

This is why I’m passionate about marriage & family. What I see most in our generation is a desperation for purpose. God created us with purpose... to love & be loved.

When we’ve been deeply hurt & psychologically abused it’s hard to love others properly bc we haven’t experienced it ourselves.

So the cycle continues.

Unless you decide it doesn’t.
You can do things differently.
You can have abundance.

There IS a better way 🌻
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