Here we go again ... where did everyone go...???
Auction about to start in 10mins ... strap in but not too tight - may be a quickie 🙈🙈🦇🦇
Neighbours coming from all sides now... about 25 neighbours and only see 2 registered bidder ...

Guide $1.1 Northmead ... maybe that’s why ??? Unlike the previous one that was under quoted ...
A- rounding everyone up about to get into the spill... blah blah blah
Six agents - 25 or so neighbours and 3 registered bidders... here we go 🙈🤓

A - wonderful team blah blah blah ... hope you’ve done your due diligence blah blah blah - bid for seller will be placed
A- tics all the boxes everything here for you folks ... where do we start???

Blah blah blah ... who wants to start - great interest

$900K 🤓🤓🤓 Sorry needs to be with a $1 cant take it
A- it’s not where we start but where we finish ...

$1m I have who wants to go higher

Agents scrambling to get others up one succeeds $1.07

Selling selling

$1.075 takes the bait & comes in $1.085

Two fighting it out now... emotion is high
A- we are at the guide $1.1 ... once hammer hits it’s done ... new player comes in $1.105

Agents with bidders pushing them higher... not sure who’s bidding agent or buyer ...

A- $1.101 original bidder comes in ... another $5 before we go selling selling are you out $1.115
A- $1.115 at the back - agents trying for more wife says YES the husband says NO NoMore 🙈🙈🙈

One out two left - we’ve moved to $1.117k

Let me go in & check with vendor see what they say... meantime agents telling buyers “you still have a chance...” buyer shaking head
A- is back ... not looking confident ...
A- another spill blah blah blah as agents run in to talk to owner... are we in or are out???

The highest bidder will have chance to speak with vendor we’re close but not just there ... $1.117 ... wont take $500 but $1 we will
A- $1.118 are we in or are we done ..???

$1.120 is the call welcome back ... $1.121 would you like another??? Agents pushing pushing two on one buyer ... like milking a stone 🙈

A- back inside to check with vendor 😆😆
Agents ... working buyers pleading for that extra ... “if you had the chance to stop looking every weekend is this the home you want to settle in...???
A- we’re just chatting with vendors ... it’s an emotional decision and we’re on the market...

Selling selling all out we are going to let it go... would you like to come back in the bus??? Yes she does ... $1.123 SOLD
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