Apparently some folks think my incest fiction is an "alarming escalation" because nearly two years ago I said that incest (Ila and Idris) wasn't something that would be a huge part of my content.

Yeah, dipshit, that's what happens when you're afraid/ashamed. You aren't honest.
I've been interested in DD/lg dynamics for almost thirteen years. My husband and I's relationship has been DD/lg (and now just dad/daughter) role-play for nearly nine years - pretty much the entire time we've known each other. Following so far?
Me hand-wringing about incest fiction not being a huge part of my content was a lie from the beginning - not a planned one. I was lying to myself as much as everyone else. I was terrified of friends leaving me and my patrons at the time abandoning me, because I was Icky.
So, y'know, I lied. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal, and I figured I could do marketable fanart, and write other original stories that weren't incest, and then occasionally I might play with Ila/Idris in the corner, away from most others, like a Good Little Not Weird Girl.
Guess what didn't happen: That

See, thing is, when you suppress a part of yourself, sooner or later it's going to come back and swallow you whole. You do not suppress thoughts or impulses away. It will not work. You accept them and you practice mindfulness to find strats to cope
And: I do have a psychologist. I've seen him for over four years. I've shown him my artwork, I've laid bare my history, and I've talked about times when my impulses were, actually, dangerous for my wellbeing. Accepting my fiction? Having fun and playing pretend? Not dangerous
Looping back: I was surrounded by voices who shouted about how harmful fiction is, about how skeevy fictional fetishes are, about how gross people must be to enjoy things that were Deviant. I swallowed the line because, well, emotional stunting from years of abuse at home
I needed others to tell me what to think and how to feel, because that's what my mother had done. She told me what to think and how to feel, and punished any kind of budding self awareness I might've been developing. She stunted my critical thought and kept me dependent
What looks like an escalation to an outside observer who already sees everything I or my partners say in bad faith? Isn't. It's a culmination of years of learning to accept myself. In some form or another there's always been a father-shaped-hole in my life
Sue me for soothing myself, I guess? Sue my husband for being the papa I never had? Sue me for mixing comfort and sex as an adult? I dunno, do whatever you want, you'll take this all in bad faith regardless. My husband's abusing me and putting me up to this, obviously
This is more like, for whoever isn't here in bad faith if they have questions: 

Here's an essay I wrote. Maybe it'll help someone who's never seen it before now
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