Going back to my podcast today with @MKEAtheists, I thought I'd list some of the sources I either consulted directly for the episode today or that you might find interesting when looking at Sir 38-40 (1) https://twitter.com/sirachsingers/status/1291842838431322112
(2) The first is Lindsey Askin's "Scribal Culture in Ben Sira" Her chapter on medicine, priesthood, and ancestor worship is what I specifically pointed you to but she also goes a lot into scribal practice in general https://books.google.com/books/about/Scribal_Culture_in_Ben_Sira.html?id=RgO3uQEACAAJ
(6) She also has an ep. on Israelite with religion with @digi_hammurabi you can watch here
(7) And here is the @digi_hammurabi episode I mentioned about ancient medicine and the connection between priests, temple personnel, and medicinal diagnosis by the brilliant @Moudhy Watch that here
(8) Going back to Ben Sira's praise of the scribe the best article on that still is Ben Wright's "Ben Sira on Sage as Exemplar" Ben Wright is the Ben Sira guy so peruse his stuff and learn all things Ben Sira https://www.academia.edu/713572/Ben_Sira_on_the_Sage_as_Exemplar
(9) If you want to get into all the theodicy stuff with the hymn at the end of ch. 39. James Crenshaw has a classic article on this https://www.jstor.org/stable/3266034 
(10) For more up-to-date stuff check out the volume edited by Salzburg's Renate Egger-Wenzel called Ben Sira's God https://books.google.com/books/about/Ben_Sira_s_God.html?id=jVUTjwEACAAJ
(12) For Jamnia/Yavneh and what did happen and didn't the authority is Jack Lewis https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/23508874.pdf?seq=1
(13) Also, @EvaMroczek's work has really made us rethink authorship, canon, books, and authority in the 2Temple period. She has a great book on this called "Literary Imagination with a chapter on Ben Sira
(14) The other person I mentioned was Claudia Camp. She has written a ton on the misogyny in Ben Sir and the honor shame culture behind all the wife criticism and poverty beggar stuff we got into. Some co-authored with Ben Wright.
(15) Camp's best book on all this is "Ben Sira And The men Who Handle Books." This is bar none my favorite book ever written about Ben Sira. Provocative and fun https://books.google.com/books/about/Ben_Sira_and_the_Men_who_Handle_Books.html?id=8-RWngEACAAJ
(16) Finally since I poked a bit of a fun at Ehrman's book on forgery I would encourage people to check out Hindy Najman's book "Seconding Sinai" for other ways to think about pseudepigrapha https://books.google.com/books?id=SiXsuys7sUwC&source=gbs_book_other_versions
(17) Or if you want to listen to another podcast. Check out @NTReviewPod episode on "Seconding Sinai" here and the afterparty
(18) Finally if you want to read some stuff I've written. Some about Ben Sira but also a paper that talks about "demon sperm". It's there. Check out my @humcommons page -END https://hcommons.org/members/davidaskelton/#:~:text=About,Hebrew%20Bible%20and%20the%20Prophets.
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