Just hit 4k followers & I appreciate every single one of you for it. Been awhile since I’ve comprehensively explained why I’m here.

So here’s why Otsu is here & what I might be able do for YOU in this crypto space.

Before that: a small intro on myself.
First, I have 4 years trading exp in stocks/crypto. For stocks I target trending potential tech stocks.

4 years ago I was flat broke, getting sued, & had a baby on the way.

My name “Otsukimi” comes from the Japanese Festival “Tsukimi” which means “view from the moon” 🚀
I started trading from scratch. Depending on the asset, I take different approaches.

Stocks: trending tech fundamentals
Crypto: some fundamentals but mostly looking at the charts. Imo the market is not mature enough for strictly FA but it’s better than it was.
I focus mainly on the following for charts:
- Aroon: this is my bread & butter. Studied this indicator extensively
- RSI: sometimes the best things are the most popular
- Price Action
- Order Blocks (standard, SHOB/SLOB, Darvas)
- 25/200 EMAs
- Hull Average on occasion
When I said I was broke, I was broke. Victim of banks, loans, credit cards, & predatory systems. Also I was stupid, depressed & suicidal.

Less than $20 in hand, I was determined to change that. Took financial planning, got three jobs, & paid off as much as I could.
Although there is a lot of personal responsibility, banks & other financial systems are out to take advantage of the common, uneducated individual.

High rates & bad players. It’s an exhausting list form car loans to medical bills to mortgages.

It’s frankly a rat race.
I also started two successful business: photography & content strategy/planning. It’s been an exhausting 4 years but it has paid off.

It’s been crazy progress & crypto has a hand in that.

I buy nothing on loans.

I flip everything into more potential.
I also feel that blockchain & crypto are great possible alternatives to tradnional banking and their predatory systems. This feels like internet all over again & I’m expecting a disruption.
Tbh I probably wouldn’t be on here if it was solely for myself & CT can take away your edge to trade in that fashion.

So hopefully I can be of help in some way, particularly the following:
- crypto insights
- better finacial responsibly
- spritual & mental health
Some things I offer:

2 scripts based on Aroon available for 14-day free trials. DM me.

Ghostwriting. I have a writing degree, 8 years exp, & been involved in numerous blockchain & PR companies.

Otherwise I just post randomly about charts and crypto. I DONT have a paid group.
And if you are depressed, suicidal, or the like, DM me. I’m always here to talk. I’ve seen and heard it all.
That’s about it! Let’s make some money together this market season
You can follow @OtsukimiCrypto.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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