Hey so Viz updated their chapter backlog from ch 17 to 25, I'd like to make a lil thread looking at the differences between the scanlation we've had before hand and the now official release. (Disclaimer: This is only comparing English translations, not japanese.)

First big change comes with the reaction of the crowd. Her friends reactions much less extreme. Expecting her to do something surprising over "Screw up" while Ryugo is less hammy in the official and makes more of a mockery than being a clown about it.
Tezuka is a bit less expectant on how much impact Yonagi will have. Only saying "Lets see" instead of the scan which shows he's outright assured that Kei will do it. Official shows he's a bit more tentative.
The scans show the crowd's amazement that Yonagi is even capable of "normal Acting" for the most part while the Official plays it out as unexpected as but not an impossibility.
Chiyoko is more dominant and full on willing to "End her career" in the official over the scan which is more impressed and states that she won't have to strangle Yonagi's Performance. Making Chiyoko come off as more antagonistic.
Chiyoko again is portrayed as more dominant as she treats Yonagi's tears as something that must be monitored over the scans which paint Yonagi as the dominant threat as Chiyoko worries about her guard.
Chiyoko asks Tezuka directly and even labels his actions as "prodding" while in the scanlations she's a bit more passive. Again the effort to make Chiyoko more aggressive and dominant is clear in the official release.
The official not only uses less dramatic wording with simply "Falling away" over "Shattered to pieces" and focuses on the reveal of "The Angel Face" as a discovery, instead of the scan which prefaced it as something commonly known. Kei discoverying Chiyoko over realizing her act.
Smaller note but The mask in the official is prefaced specifically Chiyoko's instead of just a general "The Mask" Which chows a more direct link between Yonagi's realization and emotions towards Chiyoko specifically. A more tight knit conflict.
Now in reverse to the reveal, Yonagi's emotions are given more impactful word choice of "Heart break" while in the scans she merely pities Chiyoko for wearing it. Again making the direct conflict of Chiyoko and Kei tighter.
In the official Yonagi is more confident and assertive. Simply stating intent instead of giving polite requests for the retake.
And Chiyoko responds with just as much assertion, With Chiyoko outright stating the take was good instead of making it seem like she thought the take was fine and Yonagi should agree, she says it as fact.
Some repeats of earlier notes about the mask break but main one is that Takemitsu does not assume Yonagi hit her head and is being Non-sensical, just acting strange and needs someone to keep an eye on her. More gentle approuch to his character.
Main change is that Yonagi now says that an Artificial image just won't be acceptable. She's realized something like that won't work. While in the Scan she simply believes there's a better method, in the Official she Knows that she needs to be on the aggressive now.
In the official Takemitsu is both sure of what Yonagi needs and states his proposal in response, the Scanlation shows him much more ensure and offering it as an idea "For you" which is a bit more distant. Official Takemitsu is much more compassionate.
Chiyoko in the official is prioritized with keeping up her general beautiful image over in the scan where she desires specifically to be cute. This just makes the general image of her persona more understood to the audience for later chapters (Angel Iron Fan persona isn't cute.)
Takemitsu is more blunt in the official showing he's cool with being casual with fresh off of interview Star Actors compared to the Scan where he's much more polite. This also enhances Akane and Masaki's reaction to him.
Finished Ch. 17! Onto Ch. 18 Pillow Fight.
Takemitsu is much more blunt in the official and showing he knows exactly what Yonagi needs to do with Chiyoko in order to perform in. Scanlation Takemitsu is more vague and talks up to Stars which makes his actions and proposals lack the weight they really have in the official.
In the official Takemitsu shows he's already fully aware of this unlike in the scan where he makes it out as if he's just learned that but still stands by what he says. The narrative of the official completely imposes that the newbie actors and the Star Actors are equals.
Official Akira advocates that the social connection can help with any performance. Scanlation Akira is more restrictive, Scanlation Akira comes off as more Naive for it compared to Official Akira who's got more sense to him about Acting.
Official Yonagi sees this as "Her turn" As she knows Takemitsu's given her this chance to act. In the scan she's seemingly unaware of Takemitsu's direct intentions to help and instead tries to imitate him. Both take inspiration though Official Yonagi knows Takemitsu better.
Official Akane advocates that Yonagi not crush Akira's balls and says that she's lost control. Scanlation treats Yonagi like a toddler and says that she has no control. Official Akane is a nicer person.
In the official Chiyoko is much more distant with her shorter replies with more quick excuses and even quicker response to Akane before simply ending with with a "Sorry" and taking her leave. Scanlation Chiyoko seems to make it out like she genuinely didn't mean to ruin the fun.
Official Masaki is more understanding of the Star Actor mindset and even flat out admits he agrees with them. Scanlation Masaki is more awkward and tries to make sense of it and just says that they have a point instead of stating his agreement.
Official Akira is more interested in making sure Yonagi's not hurt over Scan Akira who defensively protects Chiyoko's actions. Official Akira is therefore painted as not only more kind but not as much Chiyoko's sub-ordinate.
In the official Chiyoko is the "Poster child" Which implies she's the face of the companies, much more clear picture over "Responsible for the commercials" like the scan.

In the official Chiyoko is not a Commercial Queen.
The comments that Chiyoko is a machine is pushed more literally in the official with the scan going the more figurative approach. Working to make Yonagi's question if "Someone like that really exists" more motivated.
Official Yonagi asks if people as a whole like that exists while Scanlation Yonagi asks if a specific person like that exists referencing Chiyoko in spirit. Official Yonagi shows she's being made to think of the wider world. Also Akira is more blunt in the official.
Yonagi is more polite to Akira in the official, in the scan she demands it of him. Akira is also more comfortable it seems with his response being to call him Akira.
Official outright says that Filming would be nearly impossible in the coming days, Scan is more lenient as it claims it'd only be difficult over just needing to be called off immediately.
In the official the producer doesn't value Yonagi as much as he barely remembers her name. In the Scan he refers to her as "Ms. Yonagi" just like he refers to Chiyoko. The official shows that the staff up top doesn't have respect for Yonagi's abilities yet making Tezuka alone.
The producer is flat out dismissive of Tezuka's proposal in the Official, even stating that removing the scene is the only option. In the scan he both only doubts that it'd be well recieve and offers that there might be another way. Again Tezuka has much more stacked against him.
Official Tezuka's statement is personal, he rejects the removal as a personal offense and stands up for it personally. The scan offers that the producer is just flat out wrong and that there is no other option, the Scene must stay.
The official has the crew refer to Tezuka more casually noting how he just lost his temper. Again stacking the odds against him as they question his action. The scan refers to him with an honorable "THE" and are shocked that he yelled most of all.
Official paints the producer's ideals as oppressive as he explains that Tezuka is only here to make a profit, not to make anything worthwhile in the art department. Scan makes it out like Tezuka is pursuing an unhealthy obsession, making Tezuka look more diluted.
The producer in the official focuses on Yonagi's immediate worry while the Scan producer merely assums she's worried about less popularity. Also Yonagi states the Mask breaking as her determined objective, over the scan where she claims she's not been able to do anything of note.
Tezuka in th eofficial proposes that his work as a Stars Director was mechanical and reptitive, as well as stating that Yonagi's performance made him realize how bored of his own work he was. Scan Tezuka is a bit more specific and less emotional with his thoughts.
While both official and Scan Focus on the fact that Tezuka genuinely believes that Yonagi could change his repetitive cycle of films. His line about the weather speaks more. The official showing Tezuka's admittance of defeat by stating change as impossible.
Yonagi's bargain in the official shows that she's desperate to prove herself. As she's cut short from announcing what ever she planned to do. While Scan Yonagi seems like she was going to claim she'd succeed in an attempt to bargain with Tezuka.
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