🚨Medicaid expansion passed🚨

That’s awesome!

But @MissouriGOP is going to attempt to undermine the vote.

The Republican-controlled state legislature can, and almost definitely will, attempt to ignore the vote & decide not to fund expansion.
They definitely didn’t want to have to deal with this.

@GovParsonMO moved the vote to August from November (when voter turnout is higher) in an effort to avoid having to pretend he was going to try to implement it. https://www.komu.com/news/parson-moves-medicaid-expansion-vote-to-august-election/
And as @SDECoxHealth pointed out before the vote, the GOP intentionally spread wholecloth fabrications about expansion — presumably because there’s no argument against it that is both truthful & popular. https://twitter.com/sdecoxhealth/status/1289299309716889601
Anyway, now that the vote has passed, Parson and the GOP have to act like they will try to implement expansion. But if history is any indication, they won’t.

They’ll do what they always do — fail intentionally and then claim the program doesn’t work.

In @JackSuntrup’s article linked above, Rep. @PeterforMO suggested the urban-rural divide on the vote would “embolden GOP lawmakers seeking to curtail expansion.”

The @MO_HouseDems need to work on bridging that divide, but iirc 53 is still more than 47 in this state.
Essentially, they are presenting a false choice between funding schools and funding Medicaid expansion.

They claim to oppose expansion due to budgetary concerns, but a study from @WUSTL shows that MO could save $932M by 2024.

It would SAVE up to that much, so there’s no reason to make corresponding cuts — unless they’re just trying to scuttle the program (they are).

Reminder: As many as 250,000 people would gain access to healthcare as a result of successful expansion.
It’s really looking like our #Yeson2 vote won’t matter unless @nicolergalloway becomes our next Governor.

But she won’t be able to change things alone.
One down ballot race in particular will have a major impact — District 135 in Springfield.

@Fogle4MO is a healthcare administrator at @JordanValleyCHC. She has many years of professional experience implementing programs and innovating access to care.
We need to chip away at the GOP supermajority. Over the last few years, we have voted for three huge progressive policies:

• No on Right to Work
• CleanMO
• Medicaid expansion

— yet we continue to elect Republicans who refuse to implement them.
In my humble opinion, it’d be great if Missouri voted for qualified people who will actually try to implement the thing we voted for.
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