1/ Hindus for Human Rights in New York. Is a "Hindu" group unconcerned with Hindu rights, but very concerned with Muslim & Christian rights. They will never speak of Muslim violence against Hindus in India or South Asia because they are Christians & Muslims using the Hindu name.
2/ They help spread Hinduphobia, Hindu Hate, and anti-Hindu bigotry. Nowhere do they discuss the reality of the propaganda they help push. They are pro Islam, pro Christian, pro fake "human rights" being used to drive political agenda against India & Hindus.
3/ They're against Ram Mandir, stand for "FreeKashmir" (Islamic State breaking India for Pakistan), spread propaganda against India/Modi/Hindus, support Students Against Hindutva (another Christian/Islamic Hindu hate group against Hindus) & organized protests against CAA.
4/ They are Christians who will ally with Islam using using the "Hindu" name to trick people into thinking they are a genuine Human Rights group. As much as Islam has a problem with Christianity, in India, they unite against the perceived greater “evil” Hinduism (polytheists)
5/ The board of directors for Hindus for Human Rights shows no interest or concern about human rights for their namesake, Hindus, as in followers of Hinduism. Hindus for Human Rights is associated with Sadhana: Coalition for Progressive Hindus. They are Christian "Hindus"
6/ Sadhana: Coalition for Progressive Hindus are Hindu (native Indian) devotees of Christ. So Christians masquerading as Hindus (Hinduism). They can do this because the dictionary strips the word Hindu from exclusivity to followers of Hinduism & defines Hindu as a native of India
7/ Board of directors for Hindus for Human Rights:

Sunita Viswanath: co-founder, executive board member of Sanhana
Deepak Gupta: Active member of Sadhana.
PUNYA UPADHYAYA: Sadhana advisor
GIRI: Active member of Sadhana
RAJU RAJAGOPAL: Left Wing Activist
8/ You'll see some of these names here in this article. The Hindu name has been co-opted by Indian Christians & Christians of Indian descent calling themselves Hindus while attacking Hinduism. They'll work with Islam in their efforts to end Hinduism. https://www.ahouseofcards.net 
9/USCIRF has one "Hindu" comissioner, Anurima Bhargava. Here she is with the co-founder and executive board member of Sadhana, Sunita Viswanath & Samir Durvasula another executive board member. Is Anurima Bhargava is another "Hindu" devotee of Christ against Hinduism.
10/ From Sadhana's website, A "Hindu" all decked out in Christian garb. Christian Missionaries in India twisting Hinduism to make it a Christian religion while calling themselves Hindu to convert Hindus & end Hinduism. Sadhana is behind Hindus for Human Rights in NY.
11/ So, we have Hindus by the definition they are “natives of India” that could be Christians or Muslims setting up organizations to attack actual Hindus as in, followers of Hinduism. It's a sick game these bigoted Christians & Muslims play in their drive to end Hinduism.
12/ More informative on these Christian "Hindus". Co-founder of Hindus for Human Rights, Raja Rajagopal was active in lobbying for a visa ban for PM Modi in 2005. He's been actively working against the Hindu's, Hinduism, Hindu organizations, RSS for a long time.
13/ This article gives a synopsis of the book "NGO's activist & Foreign Funds, Anti Nation Industry" A must read.
Raja Rajagopal is an Evangelical Christian. Other names associated are Arundhati Roy, Harsh Mandar, Teesta Setalwad, and many more.
14/ This is a coalition of Christians, Muslims, Communists and Nehruvian secularists
"What emerges from this book can be summarised in the following equation: Mohammedanism + Missionaryism + Marxism + Macaulayism + Nehruvian Secularism = Promotion of Terrorism in India."
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