Men been socialized to find the act of dominance attractive rather than mutually satisfying sex between enthusiastic individuals.
Changing how indigenous peoples value sex and gender was a part of colonialism.

White supremacy tells men they must earn their masculinity through domination, sex, and "valuable" women.

So sex is about a man's place in society & self esteem. Women are a means to an end.
This contrasts with the white supremacist norms of femininity, which cannot be earned.

Femininity is about how society treats us. Our womanhood is dependent on what is done to is and by whom.
The "best" women are supposed to be sexually unavailable, which is where the domination factor comes from.
This is a big missing part of the mainstream feminist Metoo-related discourse.

There's a focus on white powerful men because the white women writing about it are in close proximity to powerful white men.

Most never have or will be.
It is not just powerful men who get away with rape.

My ex is a broke unemployed serial abuser with no power who has a well-known feminist destroying lives to help him keep abusing women.

We need to broaden the scope of how sexual norms harm across class, race, and gender
Rape prevention is useless unless we include how colonialism and white supremacy literally changed how we have & view sex to make it easier to rape AND avoid accountability.
Reading books about past activists and the long history of resistance against sexual violence has been integral to my work. Two books to check out:

At the Dark End of the Street by @dmcguire13

Reckoning by @LindaHirshman1
You can follow @wagatwe.
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