Ren Yi, aka Chairman Rabbit/Tuzhuxi, a known commentator in China and a student of Prof. Ezra Vogel:

"For the young TikTok users who represent the future of America, this Cold War mentality is extremely distant. Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Google, Microsoft,
all technology companies steal personal data. It makes no difference whether it is a Chinese company or an American company. The label Chinese Communist Party is both distant and meaningless to them. They don't understand and don't accept the political narrative of
great power politics that Trump provides. This is the post-Cold War generation, the post-millennial generation. They are the future of America. What I see in them is a globalization of culture, a dilution of political ideology, and a secularization.
The difference in culture and values between young Americans who use Tik-Tok and young Chinese who use Douyin (TikTok's Chinese cousin) is far less than between Americans born in the 40s, 50s and 60s and those in China.
The world is blending together

That's what Trump and Pompeo don't understand. They understand the (mentality of) old white men of Fox News, but they don't understand the TikTok generation or the future of America."

I don't buy this at all. But it appears thought-provoking, so
I don't buy his point of view on this at all.

But it nevertheless appears interesting.
The link is
that's lazy, wishful thinking IMO.

for example, the overwhelming majority of younger China Hands in the U.S. are widely perceived to be more hardline than older generations when it comes to China.
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