Ethical Porn Consumption: a thread:

Some people are curious about how to be an ethical consumer of porn. They worry about the wellbeing of adult performers and have heard horror stories of sex trafficking or coercion. Other people have moralistic objections to pornography ...
...which they veil behind concern for performers’ welfare. In fact, this is actually an easy concern to address.

With the increasing democratization of porn (anyone with a smartphone can be a pornographer) and the rise of independent clip studios and fan-site platforms...
it’s easy to ensure that you are watching ethically-produced porn that benefits the performer themselves.

Simply put, look for content where the PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTION, AND PROFIT all comes from/goes to the same individual.
If the same person is in charge of the entire supply chain of the pornography, they are highly unlikely to be coerced, trafficked, or non-consenting. That’s really all there is to it!

Now, if you still have an objection to pornography/adult workers, let’s unpack that.
Some of the common reasons (most of which are intertwined) are:

Moralistic objection to sharing intimate activities. This one is also easy to address. If you do not like porn, do not watch it. Do not follow pornstars’ twitter account. And do not comment in adult-work spaces.
Lack of respect for people who do adult work. This one is more complicated, because it comes from a fundamental belief that some people are less worthy than others. People who do not support sex workers usually are also racist, homophobic, misogynistic, etc.
These are usually the people who happily watch free (aka stolen) porn content without regard for the ethics of its production, but balk at the suggestion that they support actual performers.
Considering how easy it is to support actual consentual sex work… remember to simply look for content where the PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTION, AND PROFIT are all controlled by the same individual… there’s no excuse to be anti-sex-workers
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