Long thread... As I anxiously await news of VP Selection along with millions of #KHive today, I am taking a moment to reflect on what it has meant to me to be part of the beautifully diverse & passionate #KHive & why I believe she is THE VP candidate for this moment in history..
I still remember the first time I walked through the Senate building halls long before @KamalaHarris announced her candidacy, passing one indistinguishable door after another until I saw the bright Rainbow Flag & a large ā€œDreamers Welcome Hereā€ sign outside her office door...
Seeing her Senate office door was an affirmation of the fact that in a city defined by a sea of powerful people who talked the talk, @KamalaHarris walked the walk...In that moment, I became a member of the #Khive. I walked away determined to support her whatever way I could..
3 weeks before the Joyful Warrior announced her candidacy, I took my daughter Janani to hear her speak about her book in SF. I still remember the hope in my babygirlā€™s eyes when she saw someone who looked like her discussing the prospect of running for the highest office.
After the Joyful Warrior announced her candidacy in her hometown, I joined her National Finance Committee & mobilized my fellow Desi friends to hear her speak at various events, each time, moved by the poignancy of her words and her fierce courage in the pursuit of justice.
My journey as an organizer began when I attended the spring CADEM Convention as a delegate, where I met other @KamalaHarris supporters & organized a dinner that night. Hearing from @AnatoleJenkins & @madsfranklin that night was truly transformative...
Hearing Anatole & Maddie speak about why they supported Kamala & their personal journeys ignited the spark in me to do more and laid the seeds for the creation of the @KamalaHarris for San Mateo County Team with other passionate Kamala supporters in my area..
We hosted debate watch parties, shared our personal stories of why we supported Kamala and exemplified the joy in Joyful Warriors...
Being part of Camp Kamala, a day long training to hone our organizing skills and strategy ushered connections with some of the most inspiring people I have met who have since become my extended family..
I met @kristinabigdeli @courtni_pugh @SafiAmanda @JDees at camp Kamala along with other passionate @KamalaHarris staff & supporters that day, reflecting the beautiful diversity that makes up our great nation..
As I took the lessons I learned from camp Kamala to grow my team, I cherished joyful moments along the way. One of the most memorable was the grand opening of the Oakland HQ where I met beautiful souls like @mayanjeri & @LynetteGM, who inspire me with their compassion & strength.
The CADEM Convention in Long Beach is one of the greatest memories Iā€™ll cherish from this journey. I drove down with @SafiAmanda & @Isadougherty two passionate young women who will change the world in the future and in that moment, became their campaign mom...šŸ’›šŸ
Iā€™ll never forget the powerful testimonials I heard while leading @KamalaHarris supporters in chants and encouraging them to share their personal journeys...beautiful souls who had been marginalized and experienced so much pain, who saw in Kamala, a voice of inclusion and hope.
I remember coming home late that night, overcome with emotion by the shared humanity that I had witnessed and experienced, and by Kamalaā€™s powerful words that ā€œwhat brings us together is so much greater than what separates us.ā€
Being tapped to be a Co-Lead for Kamalaā€™s Organizing Academy, a 10 week training camp for organizers, by @I_M_Torres & @kristinabigdeli, two mentors I am fortunate to call my friends, grew my family even more..
Week after week, I connected with the most diverse and inspiring group of organizers who taught me so much about activism and about life in general..We phonebanked and canvassed together, having faith in the power of our organizing...
The most unforgettable experience in this journey was traveling to Des Moines, IA to attend a retreat for supporters and hear @KamalaHarris speak at the L&J dinner. The people I met in IA were truly so@e of the warmest souls I have met in my life!
I met the magnificent @sdvorsky1 @DeidreDeJear and @Bakari_Sellers in Iowa, three of the most ardent supporters of @KamalaHarris who define strength and passion with every fiber of their being..
I understood the meaning of Iowa nice when I canvassed with a group of supporters the following day after hearing a pep talk from @douglasemhoff @KamalaHarrisā€™ passionate cheerleader, & got invited to join random strangers for tea and cookies while canvassing..
Every experience I had gave me hope that I would witness @KamalaHarris break our nationā€™s highest glass ceiling. The relentless misogynoir she faced from MSM and ā€œself ordained progressive puristsā€ who supported another candidate only reaffirmed my commitment to work harder.
Getting the call in December from Kristina that @KamalaHarris has suspended her campaign and hearing from Kamala herself a few minutes later broke my heart and those of countless millions..
But, I could not be more proud of a candidate who made that courageous choice to suspend her campaign knowing she was running out of money, to do so then, so that she could pay her staff a months salary with the holidays approaching..
Hearing about @KamalaHarris traveling to the various state offices to meet her staff personally and thank them immediately after suspending her campaign was yet another reminder of her heart and her deep empathy..
Meeting NorCal Khive in Oakland HQ and traveling to SoCal to meet the Khive there 2 weeks later was bittersweet... there were tears, for sure, but there were also moments of joy and pride in the movement and memories we had created together.
I followed @KamalaHarris words and actions and joined the Biden campaign as a volunteer, 3 months later and now am a Co-Lead for NorCal Joyful Warriors For Joe and a CA State Director for South Asians For Biden in addition to being a volunteer in @JoeBidenā€™s finance committee.
Along with millions of #Khive around this country, I have spent the past few days sleeping very little, anxiously waiting to see whether VP @JoeBiden will select @KamalaHarris as VP, inspiring countless young girls of color to see themselves in her..
I will support @JoeBiden and continue working tirelessly to help elect him regardless of who he chooses. To not do so means life or death for millions around this nation. But, in my heart, I am still hopeful that he will select @KamalaHarris.
@KamalaHarris will help VP @joebiden the most in giving him a path to victory in November.. here are reasons why...
There are only 2 candidates who have been vetted on national stage: Warren & Kamala. Kamala is the only Black woman to have been vetted! Not vetting a candidate thoroughly could create content for RNC to manipulate from now until Election, taking attention away from VP Biden.
@KamalaHarris had the highest number of endorsements during presidential primary race second only to @JoeBiden, including majority of Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Latino Caucus.
@KamalaHarris ranks highest in poll after poll including in the most recent poll, highest among college educated voters, non college educated voters, Black voters, Asian voters, White voters and Multiracial voters.
In the most recent poll, @KamalaHarris ranks highest among voters above 50 who have higher rates of voting and second highest among voters below 50.
@KamalaHarris will bring energy to the ticket and excite the base of the Democratic Party, Black voters!
Like SC State Senator @BakariSellers said in an interview, his mom will vote for any ticket. But Choosing a Black woman as VP will mean she will talk to her community, her friends and neighbors and drive them to the polls herself!
The statement that @KamalaHarris is not progressive is a false narrative touted by some of Senator Sanders supporters who in the first place started the trope that Kamala is a cop to diminish her chances in the Presidential primary.
According to
multiple sites that rank leaders on how progressive they are like FiveThirtyEight, and http://govtrack.us , @KamalaHarris ranks in the top 5 among most progressive leaders, ahead of both Warren & Sanders. These are objective facts that cannot be disputed!
In every way, Kamala is the ideal complement to VP Biden and is the candidate who will help him the most! She has the fundraising networks and organizing capacity to help him win in battleground states!
On a final note, it has been my lifeā€™s honor to be a volunteer organizer for @KamalaHarris and regardless of whether or not she is chosen to serve as VP, I will be #KhiveForever šŸšŸ’›
You can follow @ehammai.
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