So, a lot of people say that Rey was made Palpatine to explain her powers and this an interpretation you can have from these... if you simply pause the documentary and don't watch the rest of it.
I'm gonna post the rest of it. Here Daisy talks about Rey's need for revenge.
Now this is where the fun begins...
A Dyad in The Force!
There was literally nothing in this documentary that said: "Rey is powerful because of Palpatine." The only explanation they offer here when they start talking about her is the dyad
It's kinda clear to me that aside from the dramatic intent (explained in interviews), they made Rey a Palpatine in order to explain her connection with Kylo. A Palpatine and a Skywalker, two powerful lineages in The Force, together. That's it, people.
Also, it's not like the movie uses this connection and explanation to save the day. What saves the day is Rey's connection with the Force, which allows her to call the Jedi and as Luke Skywalker said in TLJ: "The Force is not a power you have."
I'd understand people really being mad about this if Rey used force lightning against Palpatine to save the day, but that's not what happened.
What happened was: Rey was lifted up by those who came before because of her spirit and heart and when it came down to give all the strength she had left, she didn't hesitate, she let it go of herself to save the galaxy. It's selflessness, it's some toptier Jedi shit.
She defeated him, not with hate, not with attack, but through defense, which is also some good Jedi stuff and she stared the evil in the eye and reflected his own hate, his own POWER, against himself.

And it was beautiful.
Credits to @ReyofShadow that tweeted this and it made me realize that I didn't pay that much attention in the first time I saw this documentary.
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