'Zinc is the key to a healthy immune system, blocking pathogens while preventing inflammation. We’ve known this since zinc deficiency symptoms were first reported in the 1960's.' https://medium.com/@leonardjpmail/think-zinc-9c114fde64bf#_ftn8
'The importance of zinc supplements and the role of zinc transporters like HCQ [or Quercetin - QCT or other chelating agents] in fending off respiratory viruses was described already in 1974.' 👇
'Zinc blocks the virus replication cycle at four different points, and to specifically blocks coronaviruses. Hydroxychloroquine or Quercetin (natural) multiplies the effect of zinc by bringing it into cells where it’s needed.'
'Low zinc levels are linked to all these chronic conditions that account for over 99% of deaths from SARS-CoV-2 (CoVID-19): — old age, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, male gender, cancer, obesity, and chronic respiratory disease.'
'The immune system is what makes all the difference between a mild case of coronavirus & a fatal one. It’s why 99% of Covid-19 fatalities deaths are older people with chronic conditions. Their immune system is not up to the challenge but with extra ammunition — zinc — it should'
'However, zinc is not readily bio-available without a transporter or “ionophore” molecule to get it inside the cells. In 2010, zinc was shown to block coronaviruses in cells when assisted by an ionophore.'
This study: https://twitter.com/robinmonotti/status/1291325911091023873?s=19
Since HCQ [and Quercetin - natural plant pigment antioxidant or bioflavonoid] is also an ionophore of zinc, many observers hypothesize that its success is largely due to its ability to mobilize what zinc is present in the bloodstream.'
'Men need more zinc, women need more iron. Men are more likely not to get enough zinc to maintain a healthy immune system. You could see it as a latent epidemic of zinc deficiency, which is now being exploited by an opportunistic pathogen.'
'It’s likely that HCQ [or Quercetin QCT] only works well when the patient’s blood has enough free zinc (“serum zinc”) for it to utilize. Zinc levels require a special test, so we usually don’t know if a patient has a zinc deficiency.'
'You can look up what foods are rich in zinc (oysters, meat, poultry) and go easy on foods that contain a lot of phytates, which block the absorption of minerals (bread, peanuts, potatoes.)'
Zinc Intake & Resistance to H1N1 Influenza  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2866616/
bacterial pneumonia–complicating influenza, a 1-year study of 420 nursing home patients found participants with plasma zinc greater than 70 μg/dL had a significantly lower risk of pneumonia requiring antibiotics
Serum zinc and pneumonia in nursing home elderly. (2008)  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17921398/
Compared with subjects with low zinc concentrations, subjects with normal final serum zinc concentrations had a lower incidence of pneumonia, a shorter duration of pneumonia, fewer days of antibiotic
'The Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity  https://academic.oup.com/advances/article/10/4/696/5476413

“Zinc status is a critical factor that can influence antiviral immunity, particularly as zinc-deficient populations are often most at risk of acquiring viral infections”
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