Tomorrow’s Belarusian presidential election sees “Europe’s last dictator” Alexander Lukashenko, 66, aiming to add to his 26 years and 21 days in power. A former farm manager with trademark combover, he’s fond of oversized military hats, ice hockey and rigged elections. THREAD⬇️
1⃣ Lukashenko is the son of a single mum milkmaid, while his estranged wife, Galina, was allegedly banished to a farm to be… a milkmaid. They have two sons, Viktor, 44, and Dmitry, 40. But the apple in daddy’s eye – and presumed heir – is Nikolai, 15.
2⃣ Nikolai's mother is said to be Irina Abelskaya, the president's alleged former sentimental companion. Nikolai even travels with his dad on state trips. Lukashenko is rumoured to have moved on to a new squeeze, Maria Vasilevich, 23, who won the Miss Belarus pageant in 2018.
3⃣ It was the beginning of a winning streak for young Maria, who a year later won 28.94% of the vote in Mink’s 104th Kalvariysky constituency and duly became a member of parliament for Belarusian Republican Youth Union.
Anyway, enough of Maria. Known as ‘3% Sasha’ because of his real popularity, he has awarded himself an average of 81.4% in presidential elections since taking power in July 1994.
5⃣ Among his first acts as president was to change the flag and coat of arms of Belarus for ones based on those of the former Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. He also held referendums in 95 and 96 giving himself extra powers.
6⃣ The new flag and emblem make clear the link with the Soviet past.
7️⃣ Lukashenko's Belarus is dripping with Soviet nostalgia, as his military parades show.
8⃣ Apart from the mammoth results for the Boss, Belarusian presidential elections are also famed for the way opposition candidates are 'revealed' to be crooks the moment they get any momentum, police violence against opposition supporters...
9⃣ ballot stuffing and the arrests of journalists. Filler candidates with no hope of winning are also run to give the elections a veneer of competitiveness.
1⃣1⃣ Tsikhanouski was also arrested when began to get traction and during a ‘search’, police ‘found’ $900,000 in one of his homes. Instead, his wife, Sviatlana, is running in his place. She’s used guerrilla marketing tactics to get under Lukashenko’s skin.
1⃣2⃣ This election has also seen the bizarre spectacle of 33 Russian mercenaries being arrested and accused of a ‘plot to help Sviatlana’. Putin's Russia is known to be one of Lukashenko's few allies.
1⃣3⃣ The last candidate to rile him as much was Andrei Sannikov in 2010. During the campaign, his press officer was found hanged. Sannikov was allocated 2.45% of the vote and the aftermath of the election was marred by a violent police crackdown on protests.
1⃣4⃣ Up to 700 opposition activists, including 7 of the 8 opposition presidential candidates, were arrested. Lukashenko called the protesters, ‘bandits’, ‘vandals’ and ‘hooligans’. Sannikov was jailed for 4yrs for "organising and taking part in mass riot".
1⃣5⃣ Running for election doesn’t just entail harassment during the campaign, as 2006 candidate Alaksandr Milinkievič – awarded 6.2% – found. In the 9 months after the poll, he was arrested 7 times for ‘drug trafficking’, ‘drink driving’, ‘hit and run’ and ‘forged passport’.
1⃣6⃣ So who'll win tomorrow? Take a look at how often presidents have changed in the 15 post-Soviet states (ranked by date of independence). Maybe what's held Lukashenko back so far is that his opponent is a woman.
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