millennials grew up seeing a terrorist attack live on tv, followed by 2 wars that taught us abt the military industrial complex, then a housing bubble which led to a recession that caused our parents to lose their jobs& homes&health insurance & u wonder why we’re anti-capitalist?
And millennials have been waiting to see if gen z was gonna see what we saw and it is such a g damn relief that they do. And not only do they see and realize how deeply fucked up this system is, they wanna change it. Together we’re gonna be so powerful.
It’s gonna take a very long time but I still believe it’s possible.
And the reason why most millennials don’t trust the neoliberal party (but are gaslighted into voting for them) is b/c we remember that when the recession happened they didn’t help our parents or help the people, they gave Wall Street $700 billion and washed their hands of it
and remember this? Remember when she was one of the only people who warned us what the banks were doing and tried to stop it?
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