INSPIRATION: Lucy Gonzales Parsons

"She led poor women into rich neighborhoods “to confront the rich on their doorsteps,” challenged politicians at public meetings, marched on picket lines, & wrote political tracts for workers’ groups." @ZinnEdProject
#LucyGonzalesParsons: "She was one of only two women delegates (the other was Mother Jones) among the 200 men at the founding convention of the militant @iww...she urged IWW delegates to fight for equality and assess underpaid women lower union fees."
"The Coalition of Labor Union Women was founded in Chicago in 1974 by a group of diverse women labor union leaders as part of a wave of constituency group organizing within the @AFLCIO." @CLUWNational
The founding conference had over 3,000 women in attendance. Their purpose was to increase the number of organized women workers, implement affirmative action, work for legislation favorable to women workers & increase women's involvement in their unions.
"Organized Working Women (OWW) brought together unionized women who sought to bring the resources of the organized labour movement to bear on promoting equality for women at work, within the labour movement, and in the broader world." @RiseUpArchive
"OWW held its own annual conferences on topics such as daycare, equal pay, and occupational health and safety issues for women. The format of these conferences was always “what is the issue?”, “what do we want?”, and “how do we get it?”
Breaking the Gender Barrier: A Woman’s Place is in Her Union
#1965 Women's World:

"This video documents the role of the Women's Advisory Committee within the Ontario Department of Economics and Development."
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