Tales of Arcadia: Wizards is finally out, and that means that I can share some "new" work! Here goes:
First up: Douxie! He was my first assignment at DreamWorks, an outfit for his Camelot self. Betsy Bauer did a super nice concept for this, so I just had to make her ideas super easy for a 3D team to build. I got to design the pouch area, very braggable.
The menu board for the cafe that Douxie works at part-time. I added my niece and nephew's names as daily specials, but we only see a tiny piece of the board through a window for 2 seconds so no one will ever really know for sure. Sorry Izzy/Alex. I tried 🙂
Fireplace in the GDT bookstore in episode 1. I think that it also shows up in Camelot? Watch the show to find out! (It does)
Calista was one of my favorite characters to work on in Wizards. Really enjoyed the streamlined shapes. My fearless art director Linda Chen did the original concept for this. I just did these turnarounds and paint-ups
Merlin's safe. I liked the glowy bits for some reason
The skull castle! I had fun painting this, but it was Sean Andrew Murray (no relation) who made the original design for this, and I painted on top of Cundo Rabaudi's detailed 3D model. Fun!
Camelot Village! Cundo Rabaudi blocked out the village layout and the basic shapes of the buildings, but I got to figure out final designs for these guys. @alisketch painted them all up, but I enjoyed my part of the process
It stopped me at 4, so here are more buildings:
Armored Steve! Lancelot! They were fun to work on. Figuring out and explaining elements like Lancelot's arm is the most satisfying aspect of line tasks. Also, he has a sword, and I liked making the sword.
It's gonna get more spoilery after this, so you've been warned. #wizardstalesofarcadia #wizardstalesofarcadia #wizardsofarcadia #TalesOfArcadiaWizards #WizardsSpoilers
A new troll! I don't want to say too much about him, but he's important to the story. He was also a blast to work on. Original design long ago by Headless Productions, but you can see how much I got to add to the design.
SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER: This was a massive effort. Couldn't have done it without @YingjueChen's guidance, original concept, and countless paintovers. Didn't paint in the eyebrows because that's handled in the fx stage (after modeling)
A bus stop that I got to make for the last sequence in the last episode/ I had a lot of fun making the posters for an imagined Gun Robot movie! @AlfonsoBlaas was immensely helpful with these posters (and everything else. He was the best mentor that I've ever had on a job)
Sometimes the best tasks are the background tasks because nothing specific has been called for and I can pitch whatever I think is appropriate for the scene/story moment. This went through many changes, especially when clearing it with legal, but it was a blast. No lawsuits plz!
More storefronts with silly names. Cundo Rabaudi did all of the base models for the storefronts. I just made them detailed and silly and colorful
Last storefront:
and I guess that's it for Wizards art. I didn't say this enough, but Production Designer @AlfonsoBlaas and Art Director @YingjueChen were a strong guiding force behind every drawing and design choice that led to the show that we're so proud of. Same with @panchito_rex72 who...
not only directed multiple episodes, but also contributed heavily to the designs that Vis Dev artists like me worked from. The insane quality of the show's visuals came from the team's leadership. I was lucky to just be a helper in the process.
If you liked the show and wished that there were more, then you're in luck! We didn't stop with Wizards. The whole team pushed on and is finishing up an epic Netflix feature conclusion to the Tales of Arcadia saga! Start getting pumpe now https://twitter.com/talesofarcadia/status/1291705146200616961
Oh wait, I forgot: more armor designs! @YingjueChen concept plus art direction, @AlfonsoBlaas production design, @dr_bugs_ CG Supervision. This armor gets a lot of screen time, so I hope that I didn't mess it up :)
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