Okay... you asked for it. Hold on to your butts! #VultureMovieClub
One thing about JURASSIC PARK I think about a lot is how they supposedly kept this shit under wraps. Look at how many people work here! In unsafe conditions! Time to whistleblow or at least sell this story to the Daily Mail or something #VultureMovieClub
What gives this raptor delivery sequence its sci-fi air isn't just the ominously heavy gear and the way we don't see the raptor, it's the disorienting way the floodlights are used — we're told it's near Costa Rica but the backdrop is so blown out it could be an alien landscape
The bratty kid is on to something, by the way — velociraptors WERE turkey-sized. The raptors in the movie/book were based on the deinonychus, Michael Crichton just liked the name velociraptor more.
The actor who played this boy has no time for your fan theories about how his character grows up to become Chris Pratt in JURASSIC WORLD https://twitter.com/whithertford/status/608800769098194944
Tfw you realize you're just going to go along with the whims of a rich person, no matter how intrusive, because he's funding your work #VultureMovieClub
Hardly new for a movie to connect someone's eating/weight to their moral fiber the way JURASSIC PARK does with Dennis Nedry, but it's probably the one real wince-worthy aspect of this movie #VultureMovieClub
Sam Neill, who names a lot of the animals on his farm after his friends, named a sheep after Jeff Goldblum https://twitter.com/TwoPaddocks/status/1233562914436444160
The movie was shot in a few locations around Hawaii, and goddamn could I go for a trip to Hawaii right about now — dinosaurs could eat me, wouldn't even care #VultureMovieClub
You know, we take this stuff for granted to the point of being sick of it these days, but the photorealistic computer effects in this movie were mind-blowing at the time, and they hold up startling well — in part because they're deployed sparingly #VultureMovieClub
Spielberg's so good at generating awe and then terror and then, eventually, both together with the dinos #VultureMovieClub
This "How a Bill Becomes a Law But It's How Amber Becomes Dinosaurs" sequence handily functions as corporate satire and as an exposition vehicle #VultureMovieClub
Just saying, going with bird DNA instead of random-ass frog DNA might have made more sense here! Could have stopped some problems! #VultureMovieClub
BD Wong, who's gone on to appear in all three JURASSIC WORLD movies (included the upcoming one) is as much the king of this franchise as the t-rex #VultureMovieClub
Do we think it's a coveted gig, being a Jurassic Park scientist? Like, you're at the top of your field, probably paid well, getting to make dinosaurs etc — but also you have to be like, part of a ride #VultureMovieClub
Spare a thought for the livestock of Jurassic Park #VultureMovieClub
The movie is so deft about build up to when we eventually actually see the raptors — the opening incident with the cage, Alan's description, the baby hatching, and then this unseen feeding, with the shredded material evidence of how dangerous they are #VultureMovieClub
I've never really understood what Ian Malcolm's job is (hubris specialist?) but you've gotta salute the style #VultureMovieClub
Who wore it best
I must confess: I loathe the JURASSIC PARK children. It is I, and not the velociraptors or the ruthless corporation, who is the true monster #VultureMovieClub
Here is a look at Richard Kiley when he's not busy recording dinosaur theme park tour narration #VultureMovieClub
Same, same #VultureMovieClub
Nedry, btw, is watching JAWS in that open window
Honestly, getting out of the vehicle mid-ride and bringing the children along to an unsecured area is tremendously irresponsible theme park behavior and it is only right that these people go on to get menaced by dinosaurs #VultureMovieClub
May we all aspire to be more like Ellie Sattler #VultureMovieClub
Samuel L. Jackson was about a year out from his Oscar nominated role in PULP FICTION, but he deserved an award for this movie for his ability to delivery 90% of his lines around a cigarette alone #VultureMovieClub
This first t-rex attack, arguably the best and definitely the most famous sequence in JURASSIC PARK, takes place almost exactly at the movie's halfway point. The movie's very judicious about how it doles out the dino footage #VultureMovieClub
As with the raptors, the t-rex reveal is something Spielberg escalates to — the skeleton in the lobby, the initial no-show on the ride, the vibration in the cups, the goat, the claw on the un-electrified fence...
...then there's our gal #VultureMovieClub
Man, 27 years out, this whole sequence continues to own #VultureMovieClub
Obvi the attorney was marked for death from the beginning but getting eaten on the toilet is really a hell of a way to go #VultureMovieClub
This movie's famously a milestone for digital effects, but animatronics were also a major part of sequences like this, which helped give the t-rex a real sense of solidity and heft #VultureMovieClub
A lot of the characters who die in JURASSIC PARK "deserve" it for different reasons, but none more so than Nedry, who's both a thief and also just such a dick to this dilophosaurus #VultureMovieClub
IMO anyone who complained about Charlize Theron getting squished by the rolling spaceship in PROMETHEUS should also have beef with Alan Grant's decision to climb down the tree directly under the car #VultureMovieClub
The use of gear-shifting during this second t-rex encounter is such a clever way of creating tension in an otherwise straight chase #VultureMovieClub
Yeah, evolve into someone who LIKES CHILDREN AFTER ALL and GROWS AS A CHARACTER #VultureMovieClub
The only relatable thing John Hammond does in this movie is stress eat ice cream #VultureMovieClub
Again, same #VultureMovieClub
As catchphrases go, so much more useful than "spared no expense" #VultureMovieClub
A real wonder-giving-way-to-terror pivot in this scene with the gallimimus herd #VultureMovieClub
The velociraptors, which haven't been mentioned for a while, are so handily set up as the final bosses of the movie #VultureMovieClub
Alan Grant may be softening up but he's still not above scaring the fuck out of two traumatized children as a bit, which is how you know he's a solid dude #VultureMovieClub
There's bit of repetition here in terms of climbing down the tree and climbing over the fence, but this sequence builds suspense up by cutting between Ellie's efforts to restore power and the danger she's unknowingly putting Tim in #VultureMovieClub
It also makes this, the movie's single big jump scare, so effective — we haven't been thinking about Ellie as the one who might be in peril #VultureMovieClub
This was the biggest movie role in the career of Bob Peck, who died in 1999, and he's so coolly good as Robert Muldoon, the seasoned hunter who respects the raptors are much as he's frightened of them #VultureMovieClub
Laura Dern EASILY the best in the cast at conveying being utterly gobsmacked by terror #VultureMovieClub
The raptor at the kitchen door here parallels the t-rex at the car window from earlier #VultureMovieClub
And the clicking raptor claws recall the t-rex foot sinking into the mud #VultureMovieClub
This whole kitchen scene is maybe not quite the all-timer that the t-rex entrance is, but it's still SO TENSE #VultureMovieClub
Always felt a little weird that the raptors break through the glass off screen, but the movie's got to get the characters on the move again somehow, and this bit that follows is so scary #VultureMovieClub
And just when all seems lost, GUESS WHO COMES STOMPING TO THE RESCUE #VultureMovieClub
Still the king! Queen? Whatever, congrats to the t-rex for this main grid-worthy pose. Imagine the whole movie from her perspective: "So I got out, ate some other dinos, kept running into these ANNOYING HUMANS who kept DISAPPEARING by HOLDING STILL" #VultureMovieClub
And there we have it folks — JURASSIC PARK, a movie about human arrogance when it comes to meddling with nature and also attempting to defeat "sports" #VultureMovieClub https://twitter.com/claykeller/status/1284224960743878658
It would be followed by THE LOST WORLD, which @BilgeEbiri claims is actually great, and I'm choosing to believe him because honestly I don't remember it at all #VultureMovieClub https://twitter.com/BilgeEbiri/status/1291785657183076355
I've been @alisonwillmore, it's been a pleasure, don't forget to join us next week etc etc goodnight goodnight #VultureMovieClub
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