Part 1:
Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, Insurrection Act. Without great detail, Burr wanted to muster his own Army, enlisted help from a foreign country, in order to establish his own country/territory.
Thread coming.
Part 3:
Although Aaron Burr had been Thomas Jefferson’s VP. The duel resulting in the death of Hamilton, and Burr’s political style, caused Jefferson to become weary of Burr.
Part 4:
Jefferson’s weariness of Aaron Burr was also from rumors Burr was raising an Army, and working with a foreign country. Although this was never proven, it presented Jefferson with a difficult situation.
Part 5:
Thomas Jefferson spoke with James Madison concerning Aaron Burr. Jefferson asked Madison if the Constitution allowed him to use the military against Burr, on U.S. soil if Burr indeed was mustering an Army. Both strict Constructionist agreed it did not.
Part 6:
Thomas Jefferson realized a law was needed to deal with possible attacks from within the country. Thomas Jefferson signed the Insurrection Act bill, into law in 1807.
Part 7:
Happening in America today.
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