If fixing your car worked like US healthcare:

You'd have no way to compare repair shop rates.

You'd leave the mechanic with no idea what the repair will cost you.

Days later, you'd get a confusing multi-page bill with a shocking number on it.

Parts would be marked up 6-10x what you’d pay at the local parts store. $75 for an oil filter?! Yup.

You'd be charged much more if you didn't have auto repair insurance.

If you lost your job, you’d lose your auto repair insurance too.

You’d have to hunt down a repair shop in your network or insurance wouldn’t work.

You’d need a referral to see a specialized mechanic.

Even if you picked a shop in your network, the shop might hire an out of network mechanic without asking you. Insurance won't cover that.

Even with auto repair insurance, you’d be at risk for bankruptcy if your car has an expensive problem.

You likely couldn’t afford to see a mechanic if you had a lapse in auto insurance coverage.

Result: You'd likely avoid the mechanic until it was an emergency, thereby making matters worse and risking your life along the way.

The US system is broken. No industry should operate this way.
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