Pointing out when someone consistently misinterprets and misrepresents information regarding #COVID19 in the midst of a pandemic and tweets it out hyperbolicaly to 250k followers is not bullying and not part of cancel culture.

#Publichealth folks also can’t simply ‘scroll past it’ as some have stated. It’s all of our duty, in public health, to make sure the accurate and correct info is shared and incorrect info is pointed out and corrected.

Sending inappropriate DMs and threatening emails to critics is unacceptable and, frankly, creepy. Yes I’ve seen them, as well. Not aimed at me, but aimed at friends and colleagues.

You, alone, control your content and are responsible for it, and the response.


If you’ve had to erase fistsful of twitter threads after being corrected, maybe this isn’t your area of expertise and maybe you should be more responsible about not hitting ‘send’ in the middle of a global pandemic when people are rightfully scared and looking for guidance.
You can follow @MCBazacoPhD.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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