Lots of fair criticism of this commentary. But it's also useful advice to not waste money on frivolous things. https://twitter.com/CNBC/status/1291519539436498946
I have friends who went to the same school I did and complain about their college debt while they buy new appliances, eat out every week, and take multiple vacations a year.
I have friends who make less money than I do, who live in cities with much lower costs of living than I do, yet they somehow pay more to rent than I do.
There's a lot of stuff that's systemic. But there's also a lot of stuff that's just lifestyle choices.
It boggles my mind the way some of my friends and peers live. We all lived through 2008. Maybe I'm the only one still scarred by the financial trauma.
Why would I pay $5 for a coffee when I can brew it for pennies at home (and it tastes better too)? Why am I going to pay $50 (?) for someone to do my nails when I can do it myself for pennies at home (and won't smudge them on the way home)?
Why am I going to pay $100 to get my dog a haircut when I can do it at home myself?
I only stopped wearing drug store brand make-up like last year. And I'm still not spending $50 on foundation. I'm just not going to do it.
I saw a friend complain about chipping in $25 to the PTA for teacher appreciation gifts. I mean went on and on about it. A week later is showing off a $200 haul from Ulta.
People out here buying $300 hair dryers when they got student loans outstanding 10 years later. Come on, now.
There are just certain things I refuse to spend a lot of/ any money on. It's just a trap.
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