It's artists-get-100%-of-the-money day on Bandcamp, which makes buying music *even* sweeter.
#nowplaying #nowbuying @AseManual's album Black Liquid Electronics. "Lawdaa Mercy" feels like an unearthed classic.
Obvs this vintage @NGUZUNGUZU X Maluca EP too. Production on "Kawasaki Mami" is sublime. 
And you know anything @BRITISHBITCH808 makes is catnip to me. That little bittersweet melody skating atop "CONJURER"... 
Just preordered this one from @Chavezsayz. Her record Plays blew me away earlier this year, so I'm looking forward to more spirit-stirring sound art -- coming Sept!
Closing my eyes and pretending I'm engulfed in smoke machine fog for this collection of demos and live recordings from @Viaapp_ & @bookperms' Asthyna project. 
And @yu_whoooo and @FALSE_WITNESS are kicking my period cramps to the curb...thank you! I already bought this one but if you haven't DO SO NOW AND YOUR BODY WILL THANK THEM TOO
A single from Klein, a genius of our times ✨ 
#nowplaying #nowbuying an ambient EP called Marsh by @arielzetina, vibrating my insides on a Friday night 
Also excited to sink into these piano pieces by @kingbritt 
You can follow @RuthESaxelby.
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