It's Friday night which means we've lost another 40 construction workers to suicide this week.

Here's a quick thread on the topic:
The reason we don't hear about these suicides as much as veterans (e.g) is because many will be self-employed or subcontractors

Unless men are employees of one company or always subcontracted with the same people, they won't have the opportunity to develop strong & emotionally supportive work relationships which means it's hard to reach out or spot when someone is struggling 2/
This also applies to many other industries such as rail workers & other trades where there is lots of subcontracting or lone working where contact with colleagues or supervisors is minimal. There'll often also be in the high risk age group of 42-49 3/
Banter between the 'lads' can hide or minimise a lot of painful truths i.e. many who are struggling use humour to deflect & whilst there aren't always signs, if you pick up on those 'odd' comments in banter, it can lead to difficult but necessary conversations 4/
Men, don't be afraid to be awkward & ask your mates/colleagues how they are especially if you know they're going through a huge life change such as divorce or financial problems. Discussing suicide won't make someone kill themselves but it can save lives 5/
It's not weak to speak or ask for help or burst into tears because you feel like your life is falling apart. No one has their shit together 24/7; some are just better at fronting it out than others. @MatesInMind & @LighthouseClub_ are here to help; you're not alone! #ForOurMen
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