Thread: Neither @chrisroachYYC or I can afford to quit our jobs to do online learning with our kids this school year. Also, I LOVE what I do and have invested years into my education & quite frankly am unwillling to give up my career.
But according to the UCP narrative I will certainly be labeled a selfish, uncaring mother. Not prioritizing my children’s physical health because I am prioritizing their mental and emotional health, and also mine and my husband’s. March - June was HARD.
Also: I am prioritizing paying our mortgage, utilities, and you know, food. I have lived hand to mouth, choosing between electricity and food daily. I never expected to have to choose between those things and my children’s public education.
Additionally, and I could be wrong, but I think what I do is really important. I actively teach critical thinking and equity and anti-racism. I research ways for people living with dementia and families to live well and in the community. I build relationships.
This work feels personally valuable, but generally feels increasingly undervalued by the government. Especially because I am a woman who didn’t vote for them, Indigenous, and a supporter of public schools. I strive for a society where we are ALL valued.
So no, no I don’t think I should be forced to send my children to unsafe school situations. I can’t keep them home (if you want to tell me it’s “won’t” that’s fine, you do you), but they are humans and they (& teachers) deserve to be kept as safe as our other workers.
We need safe schools. We need them in about 4 weeks from now. If you think I’m mad now, just wait till one of my kids or their teachers, or the other families start getting sick. Do better #UCP, and do it now.
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