As an observant Jew whose family escaped Nazis in Morocco and abductions in Yemen, I think @CliffMass was dead wrong.

Kristallnacht, like the Tulsa Massacre, was the violent imposition of the majority's will upon an economically successful scapegoated minority. 1/
Organized non-state militias entered economically prosperous minority neighborhoods and... wrecked them. Looted them. Burned them to the ground. All to make the statement that these ethnic groups were not allowed to be economically successful. 2/
The Seattle #BlackLivesMatter protests involve a group of protesters, mostly nonviolent (with violent actors from both left and right), standing against a militarized force in support of Black lives and the Black community. 3/
If @thehoffather and @CliffMass are insistent upon the WWII connection, a more apt comparison would be the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, wherein two groups of Jews and allies fought back against the destruction and imprisonment of their community. 4/
Seattle PD has gassed, shot, and assaulted protesters. Businesses and residences have been harmed by their actions. Remember that many in the business community have voiced support for the protesters. 5/
As Jews, it is our duty in every generation to see ourselves has having escaped oppression in Mitzrayim. Likening the protests to Kristallnacht recasts the oppressed as the oppressor. @thehoffather, I implore you to rethink your view.
שבת שלום.
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