And China has a very ambitious plan for Canada and the Arctic regarding mineral acquisition.
Now to the current state: A&S, are VITALLY important to nationally security and Defence. One cannot build tanks, aircrafts, naval vessels without massive quantities of those refined minerals.

So a nation's leader has an absolute responsibility to secure their supply.
Trump was absolutely right. Justin was allowing subsidized steel not only to enter Canada (shown earlier) but also to be repackaged under a Canadian flag and shipped into the US. Trudeau also allowed the Chinese even harder to detect and combat methods of accessing US markets.
The Chinese have targeted specific Industries and markets for dumping of subsidized products for political reasons because it destroys the target markets' ability to maintain an internal supply. This gives China a monopoly, and makes the target dependent on China.
Imagine the US being dependent on China for its national Defence and security?!

China is hostile to the US for very many historic and political reasons.
So Trudeau, is helping China to undermine the US security and economy by actively participating in China's effort to weaken it.

News flash - US is our biggest ally and trading partner, and our PM allowed our country to be used as a front to assist their enemy.
So Trudeau allowed the aggressive takeover by China of Canadian interests in the A&S, allowed the dumping of Chinese foreign subsidized product to occur with Canada being used as a laundromat for China's illegal and hostile actions, and was threatening our ally's security.
Trump literally had no choice. He put the tariffs back on. US security was at stake.

Canadian interests are equally being undermined by what Trudeau is doing. Just because China is allowed to slap a Canadian flag on A&S heading to the States, doesn't make it a Canadian benefit
Our own local producers are also not able to compete with the Chinese subsidized dumping prices that were heading south. Our own products were having their values driven down, and making the industry as a whole in Canada less viable.
Trudeau knows that when Trump put the tariffs back, Trudeau could easily spin it in the pro-Trudeau/anti-Trump Canadian media that Trump is against Canada and is a protectionist and that Trudeau is standing up for Canadians. So he doesn't care.
Truth is, Trudeau is ONLY standing up for China in this case.

If Canadians want the tariffs off (and we should and do), the only solution is to end the agreements with China that allow them to use our Country as a pawn in their geo-political struggle against the US.
There is an important question to answer though, Why would Trudeau help China at the expense of Canada and America? There's no shortage of evidence that Justin is pro China, but why?

That's a question I think CSIS is asking itself at this point
further than just A&S issue, we should look at the multitude of ways that China is taking advantage of Canada as a staging tool in it's long war against the US. this is just the tip of the iceberg. But those are matters for another tweet.
So, as politicians and media tell you Trump is bad for Canada because of the tariffs, tell them Trudeau is worse for willingly offering Canada up as sacrifice to the Chinese in their quest for military, political, and economic dominance!
You can follow @carletonjtysick.
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