Suicide rates will multiply all over the world. Not because times are hard. Times were HARD during the World Wars and Great Economic recessions and depressions. The society is increasingly frivolous. People have no true friends. Because friends see themselves more as...
rivals. The race is measured by wealth and nothing else. Set backs are mourned as wasted lives by those who should give love and genuine support. So a troubled man becomes the butt of jokes by those in whom he has reposed his trust.

Calamities befall men and their friends shed
tears of sympathy for them in the morning, but run them down and harm them ruthlessly at night. The man can't even tell his wife because he is sure she would show little or NO understanding at all, because in her heart is the hearth of the values that society upholds. He has seen
He has seen her divulge little details to her family. He has heard her eulogise wealth and curse set backs as abomination. She has a little merry heart, while pretending to be oblivious of the realities her man has to face for which her powerful supporting and protective
prayers and intuition were needed, to mediate strength and inspire confidence.

The pastor can't be trusted because he is given to flashy cars and worldly ambitions. He rates men by their earthly successes and wealth.
He can't be trusted because wealth he says is the ultimate blessing from the Creator. Everyday he celebrates only the rich. The value of a man is measured, not by the quality of his being, but by the size of his pocket.
So the troubled man walks around with his troubles in his heart. One day, he would weigh it all over again, and say NO! It's enough!!

But then, when the slightly reflective one meditates on the purpose
to all this, in his mind he bumps ever again against the common saying "to keep body and soul together and lead a respectable life". And again, one asks what is the essence of keeping body and soul together only to be driven along the course of sham and
falsehood, to live a life in celebration of tinsel, to be honored and respected by clergies and temples who themselves have become slaves to materialism... a life born, moulded fashioned and forged in a BIG LIE!

No Truth, no genuineness... No Love!
Everyone scrambles around in the dark, in ignorance, seeking to attain his goals at the expense of, and to the detriment of the other. So that even Marriages which should be guided by Love and Trust are deeply steeped in intrigue and selfish calculation,
one working to outsmart the other in a senseless struggle for power and control. Egotism, selfishness and power lustfulness have become the lord and bane of all relationships, now collapsing on all sides. The expression "Marriages
are made in Heaven" have become a hypocritical mockery cry of the Sublime Purity of He Who mercifully ordained it. People now twitch their noses at it because they no longer believe in it, though they profess it for the sake of it. Man has come to question
the existence of Love, now on the brink of convincing himself that it does not exists in a world of realism, but only in the sanguine-idealistic consciousness of the dreaming mind.

And no one knows where nor
how to find the origin of this scorge, this evil upon which all life around man on earth is founded. Hypocricy, selfishness, slavish materialism, power lustfulness and drunkenness,morbid sensuality, envy, greed, malice and hatred. Little wonder
that this world seems on a slow march towards an ignominous collapse. And man still seeks to find solutions to the impending horror by striving even more vigorously into the same faults that gave birth to these evils. Many more will have to suffer, many more will have to die,
.. don't ask me why (Bob Marley), for it is useless running to the prayer houses for solutions when the heart is seething with poison, without any genuine desire to change.

Just a frank rant!
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