I know there are some Beth Moore fans here. I never did any of her women's Bible studies. They weren't written for me. Just like these tweets aren't written for me. 1/7 https://twitter.com/BethMooreLPM/status/1291348160359653377
There is a different kind of exhaustion and sadness that washes over me when I see white Christians come into the awareness of the evil of racism that they've been literally profiting from get praised by other white Christians. 2/7
That exhaustion is multiplied when what stands out is to simply "outlast" the name calling.

Friends, racism isn't name calling. I've said this before. RACISM ISN'T ABOUT NAME CALLING. WHITE SUPREMACY ISN'T ABOUT NAME CALLING.
If you are white and the worst thing that happens is that you are called a racist, or your behavior is called racist, or that standing up against racism means you get called names and that is the pain that causes you to rethink humanity you are not cut out for this work. 4/7
When the entire system is created for your flourishing you will do nothing but outlast. You will outlast all BIPOC because that is the system. Whether or not you realize the evil of racism you will still outlast me. 5/7
So yes, be rooted in scripture, but even scripture continues to be used against women, BIPOC, the LGBTQ community so don't think that because you don't call it "two Corinthians" you are any more anti-racist than the next white person in power. 6/7
Whiteness is created to outlast everything so if that is your goal - to outlast the name calling, dear white FB friend reading this, you are not my ally, accomplice, co-conspirator, sister, brother.

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