1/ it’s been 1 week since I last posted an Oregon #COVID19 trend thread

I feel like it’s important to continue to stay on top of the data and local trends as bandwidth permits

Many thanks to those who read my threads! https://twitter.com/aoglasser/status/1289258163535896576?s=21
2/ numbers in Oregon continue to increase

As of yesterday afternoon, we have cross the 20K mark:
20,225 confirmed/presumed cases
267 new cases yesterday
339 deaths total https://twitter.com/ohaoregon/status/1291463268129820672?s=21
3/ we’ve been oscillating between 267-373 cases per day in last week

7/27-8/3: 2278 cases
2409 week before
Similar range for 3 weeks

no days with > 400 cases/day in the last week (& <300 cases in 4/5 days)

there were 5 days with 400+ cases in July

4/ what counties are being affected the most?

Let’s divide by metro and rural counties:

Multnomah 4653
Washington 2943
Clackamas 1484
Marion 2789

Umatilla 2167
Malheur 734
Union 392
Jefferson 341
Morrow 329
5/ The Portland metro area counties plus Marion Co outside Salem continue to having the highest TOTAL numbers BUT the higher PER CAPITA numbers and high percent growth are still occurring in hard-hit Eastern Oregon

(Sherman county had 88% recent growth)

6/ looking at the high per capita rated rural counties another way—Umatilla, Jefferson, Malheur, and Morrow Counties

You can see here how recent % growth is higher than the Metro area counties

Union county had an outbreak weeks ago, as did Lincoln

📈: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/oregon-coronavirus-cases.html#map
7/ updated zip code data analysis continues to highlight how hard rural Eastern OR communities are being hit

Hermiston (Umatilla Co)=state epicenter

97838 has almost 1200 case (469.1 per 10,000 people), twice as many as any other area https://www.oregonlive.com/coronavirus/2020/08/12-oregon-zip-codes-with-the-most-new-coronavirus-cases.html
10/ 97818 (Boardman in Morrow County, <30 minutes from Hermiston) is at 194 cases, 466.5/10,000 (up ~30% in most recent week)

To highlight Oregon geography:

🗺: hot spots in last week per @nytimes
11/ 97761 is another zip code that has one of the highest per capita rates (not necessarily biggest increase in past week)

This is the zip code for the Warm Springs Reservation (covid-19 related challenges discussed in prior threads)

12/ I looked for info for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) & found this information based with the Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center (7 miles east of Pendleton in Umatilla Co)

13/ looking at it another way, you can see that several recent hot spots

1️⃣per capita
2️⃣total cases

14/ deaths ⬇️ in the past week, after a record of 14/day was reported on 7/28

this representation also helps visualize where deaths are occurring (as does the chart from the 91-divoc with county level data a few tweets back)

15/ younger Oregonians continue to drive the majority of new infections

The first large summer camp outbreak was also reported this week


📈: @OHAOregon weekly report
16/ the case fatality rate continues to be highest for oldest Oregonians, but the youngest death in a 26yo was recently reported
17/Oregon continues to see racial disparities

For reference:
About 3% of Oregon’s population is Black
About 12% of state population is Hispanic
19/ to highlight findings from this @wweek article

“Nowhere is the disparity in housing density felt more sharply than among Portland's immigrant and refugee communities...Members of those communities are among those testing at a disproportionately high rate for the coronavirus
20/ the number of Oregonians actively hospitalized dropped by double digits recently

ICU beds remain under state capacity

ED visits for covid-like illness (CLI) also remain low
21/ I also found these new @OHAOregon 🗺/📈s that show hospital capacity by region

notice how low ward and ICU bed capacity is in region 6!
23/ % positive has ⬆️

week 7/26–8/1: ➕6.4% (⬆️ from 5.1%)

This recently added map from @OHAOregon shows positive rate by county

There’s also a new report (last 2 pics) with county level reporting of per capita cases AND % ➕ (part of the school reopening criteria)
24/ statewide, the percentage of cases with followup initiated within 24 hours is still low and below goal
25/ and the percentage of cases that can be traced to a source remains below goal AND continues to climb

predominant sources continue to be “sporadic” cases raising concern for ongoing community spread
26/ how does Oregon compare to the rest of the country?

📈: @nytimes

the second picture shows average new cases per capita versus days since reopening
27/ where does that leave us heading?

@OHAOregon announced this updated modeling as I was sitting down to tweet this thread--what are the projections is transmission stays stable or if it ⬆️or⬇️ by 10%

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