I know covid has been different for everyone. But for me, a happy, vibrant, creative teen emerged from one who was truly unhappy at school. That translated into her best report card in years, & what her teachers & I agreed was a "180Β° change" in her feelings toward school. (1/5)
The pandemic situation also means we've had more time for adequate sleep, to cook real food, and to get outside for walks during the week. It has enabled me to set boundaries & guard my time, making space for activities we've never had time for on weekends. (2/5)
It has meant less driving, less spending, less fast food, less stress, less conflict, less struggle, less feeling overwhelmed & out-of-time in all aspects of our daily lives. It has been a realization that we try to do too much, and that I MUST learn to say "no" more often. (3/5)
It means when I start my work day, I'm calm, rather than fresh off a hectic 1hr drive in rush hour. I don't need to decompress. I just start work. It means I'm flexible to fit my hours to the demands of the task, without the guilt of knowing my kid is home alone. (4/5)
It means I can take time for basic appointments I so often put off for months because scheduling around work/commuting is inconvenient. It means I (we) are healthier, happier, calmer, & more productive.

I know covid is bad. But this is my glass-half-full (of lemonade). (5/5)
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