Make no mistake. Some children and teachers will die this school year, not to mention extended family casualties. This idea of all states implementing their own plan is dangerous. We need a National Covid plan implemented by a true leader.

Many of us will be at the mercy of Governors whose only concern is the economy, a message held by the Trump party. Some states not allowing their health departments to make the right decision. Decisions made out of political expedience and not what’s best for u and ur family
I urge each and every parent to think very hard about the decisions you make regarding your children returning to school. I’m telling you that most likely the state does not have your interest at heart. You won’t be able to blame anyone else. You know the risks
Think not only of your children, but of your own health and the health of grandparents and other members of your community. Don’t forget the flu season is weeks away and combined with this pandemic the risks are far too great.
I am a teacher and would not want a single one of my students to come back to school until there was an actual plan. A plan with social distancing, a plan for masks, a plan for cleaning, a plan for contact tracing, a plan for temp checks, and a plan for mental health care😘👊🌊😊
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