Don’t tell me you are for the “politics of the common good;” provide me with a healthcare policy that would actually save American lives and help Americans families. Then I’ll take you seriously
Don’t tell me you are for the “politics of the common good;” provide me with a your proposed path to the prosperity of America’s working class black communities. Then I’ll take you seriously
Don’t tell me you are for the “politics of the common good;” provide me with a your proposals for remaking Trumpland something other than a drug-ridden, dole-driven, economically stagnating region of the United States. Then I’ll take you seriously
It is extraordinary-EXTRAORDINARY-with everything that has happened in the last 4months that there is not obsessive debate on the right about best means to bring black living standards up the nat average!
It is extraordinary-EXTORDINARY-given the verdict of 2016 election that the revitalization of Appalachia and the Great Lakes isn’t the center of right’s thinking!
It is extraordinary-EXTORDINARY-that even though health care was the most importantly issue set for every single age demographic in America there has been almost no attention paid to how solve the problem, even as your side held power! Extraordinary!
Instead what have we debated? What has caused torrents and torrents of commentary? The kind of Halloween costumes you can’t wear at Yale. The mannerisms of David French. Whether wearing a mask makes you a sheeple.
Y’all are going to lose in November and deserve every bit of the loss.

That’s all folks.
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