Basically just analysing my season, going to be very long so would only briefly read it as it will be quite boring and monotonous. If you stay awake until the end you faire playđź‘Š(Mainly for myself but thought I would post anyway)
Going to be looking at the following:
-Chip usage
-Key Gameweeks
-Briefly formation
Going to start with captaincy. I captained way to many players this year and went against the premium for no reason to many times. Some of these picks were unlucky and some where just bad un-justifiable decisions
14 different captains is way to mucb and next seasom I will be sticking between 3-4. My best captain picks this season where Mane,Salah and Vardy and these mainly resulted im great GW’s. The captain highlight of my season is rage transfering Vardy in before Southampton...
Which gave me a gargantuan 40 points. Another key captain pick was Salah in DGW22 when loads chose mane. This gave me a huge points swing in my favour and was definitely one of my best decisions.
Going to move on to chips 🍟! Starting with the TC I used this in GW 1 on Salah. This got me 36 points which is so much better than the 3 from last season(never captaining Kane again). This was definitely not a random pick and I felt it was completely justified for the following:
-Mane was out injured meaning more of the play was likely to go down Salahs side. This is backed up by a statistic which I cant find that says how Salah gets way more points without mane.
-Norwich ended with a GD of -49 meaning despite it not being a DGW he had a high ceiling
Free hit: I played my free hit team in GW35 and managed to outscore my normal team by 19 points. This was mainly down to the brilliance of Sterling despite Salah and Mane heavily underperforming vs Burnley. My defence also flopped but I feel all where justified picks,GW RANK:470K
Bench Boost: Im saying I got 21 points as I played the 11 I would have started without BB. Again played a very cheap bench but should have had Saka instead of Cantwell. I was then able to sell all them next week on the Wildcard so this was definitely the right decision!
Now onto my wildcards:
My first one was catastrophic. Sitting at 20K OR after 2 weeks and then I play a wildcard way to early and it takes me 7 weeks and plenty of hits to fix it. Just so many bad choices on here and big red arrows for the following weeks.
Wildcard #2:
This did ok but there were some obvious mistakes such as Son, Rash over martial and DCL. Although DDG did very weel he blocked me getting martial in which really hurt and definitely an error. Did get double wolves defence which was great. Omitting KDB biggest msitake
So in total I think my chips where a success and got the following points:
Before I look at individual weeks here is a visual of my season. Did well from GW11-22 shit pre lockdown and sort of good after lockdown!
Onto some Key GW’s.
Starting off with GW 1 &2.
TC on Salah got me off to a flyer and then playing Lundstarm over Perez GW2 was brilliant. OR was 20K after these 2 weeks. Disappointing that my first transfer was a GK though🤣 Also picked the wrong burnley striker.
After my GW3 wildcard catastrophe I had a few mediocre weeks until GW11 &12. Took a total of -12 in hits and had consecutive GW ranks off 70k and 40k. Rose me from 220K to 30K and only went below that rank once again!
BGW19 and GW20 finally pushed me into the top 10K. Avoiding Son captain and then Ings captain the week after got me to an OR of 6K. I then went to around a peak of 3K and pre lockdown did shit and went down to 16K.
Going to briefly look at transfer now. I made 51 non GW30+ transfers and took a total of 16 hits (-64) all these hits were calculated and maybe half off. Buying and selling players at the right time is so important. Heres some of my best:
-Lundstram (GW1)
Some of my mistakes where holding onto Vardy for to long when DCL was in form and some others are discussed in this quoted tweet. https://twitter.com/fpl__alex/status/1277631420828200962
Finally I made far to many GK transfers and ended up on 164 points which is 6 points below popes score not even including hits🤣 Will avoid wasting transfers on keepers next season as it clearly doesn’t work.
🚨Going to continue the thread from this tweet. Nearly finished. And again this is mainly for my own use so thats why its quite boring/ not very entertaining.
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