what annoys you most about the Left?

what do you think are the tendencies that most often lead us to shoot ourselves in the foot and undermine our ability to build power?
i have so many but will start with:

regardless of how much we claim it's crucial, we're pretty shit at actually meeting people where they're at.
constantly critiquing power instead of developing long-term strategies on how to actually *take power*
conflating mobilizing with organizing and not pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones to bring people in who don't already mostly agree with us.
and one i'm observing more and more among young organizers that's particularly concerning is this "purity paralysis"... like whatever we do is going to be problematic and so we just shouldn't do anything at all.
being completely allergic to rank and power such that we're always trying to build completely flat/non-hierarchical decision-making structures, even if they're unstrategic.
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