Thread! Yay!

Our friends Laramee and Runn are In the the NYT Styles section this weekend! Here’s a preview of this amazing profile of my fellow innovators!
The couple, in their early forties, knew they didn’t want to stay in Park Slope during a pandemic, but they hit a major fork in the road when trying to decide between their summer house in Maine or their winter place in Southwest Florida.
“I love the crisp air up in Maine, and the sound of someone splitting your firewood for you while you have that first cup of coffee,” Laramie says, tucking her legs up into the flowing white linen sack she sheathes over here lithe, Barre-sculpted frame each morning.
“But I love the Gulf of Mexico,” Runn said, adding that he’s been restoring a 1928 fishing boat used in the film version of “The Old Man & The Sea.”

“That’s what we call it when daddy goes out fishing,” Laramee says, adding that Runn is 18 months younger than she is.
Eventually, the couple found a peaceful middle ground. They would spend part of the pandemic fishing in Florida—Laramie admits the humidity is amazing for her skin after a long New York City winter—
and then, when the threat of hurricane season began, they’d have their caretaker shut things down & head to Maine.

“We actually chartered a flight and we had plenty of room for our kids, dogs, and our chef, who is super talented & currently without a viable shelter,” Runn said.
“We thought all of us crammed into a small plane for such a long flight would be miserable, but it was so comfortable. Chef Jim made a six course meal he served in midair and his girlfriend, Callie, played the cello between courses.”
“The wine alone as worth the five hour flight!” Laramee says.

“Totally,” Runn agrees as he hoists all three of the couple’s children onto his broad shoulders and lets them burrow into the softness of his chambray shirt.
“Callie’s an amazing musician,” Laramee, a perpetual cheerleader, says. “I mean you go to these fundraisers where there’s music and you almost forget that these people are making a living because the music is so beautiful. But I guess she’s also out of work?”
Runn puts his arm on the small of Laramee’s back. “I mean, we have a musician and a chef living in the boat house now,” he says, his dark eyes dancing as he surveys the shoreline outside the window. “I keep telling Laramee she should write a children’s book about it.”
“That’s such a huge dream for me,” Laramee says, staring off to the sun setting over their private dock, where Callie is beginning her evening performance. (The couple has artificial sunsets projected over the water each night, since their home faces East, not West.)
“I mean maybe that’s a silver lining in the pandemic. Maybe I’ll actually finish my children’s book.” Runn kisses her on the cheek as he balances the couple’s three docile and increasingly beautiful children on his outstretched arms. “Maybe I’ll buy a publisher. Just in case.”
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